Thursday 25 October 2012

Prostate Treatment: Best Ways To Tackle The Problem

In the condition of an enlarged prostate, the flow of urine is blocked, as the prostate cells multiply gradually and exert pressure on the urethra. Because of this, the bladder now has to push the urine forcefully out of the urethra. As this condition worsens, the muscles of the bladder may become thicker and overly sensitive. During this stage, the bladder muscle starts to contract even with small amounts of urine, which causes the frequent urination. The muscle becomes overly narrowed and thus does not allow the bladder to become completely empty. You can find effective prostate treatment that targets the most popular symptoms.

Some of the common symptoms of an enlarged prostate include -

· Slow urination
· Difficulty in starting the urination
· Frequent urination
· Incomplete emptying of bladder
· Strain during urination
· Dribbling of urine
· The stream of urination is intermittent
· Frequent urination during the night

It is always recommended that men with these above mentioned symptoms should see the doctor immediately and find the best prostate treatment. There are a range of treatments for this condition. You can take medication, go for surgery in advanced cases or opt for less or minimally invasive surgical procedures. This treatment is heavily influenced by your general health conditions and age. As a person ages the kind of treatment varies. Many of the less invasive treatment are considered as beneficial as, they allow the patient to recover quickly and there are fewer side effects. For people with urinary retention, or bothersome symptoms, doctors suggest that medication is best bypassed. To have relief from such a condition, a less invasive surgery is recommended.

Heat therapies are also quite beneficial for treating this condition. Heat is delivered through the urethra under a local anesthetic. This treatment is a quick process and ensures fast recovery. Heat is usually applied through microwave therapy, electro vaporization or laser therapy. Surgical therapy includes transurethral resection, Open Prostatectomy or transurethral incision of the prostate. This condition is completely treatable and the choice of treatment depends upon the consulting doctor and the severity of the condition.

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