Wednesday, 11 July 2012

How to Prevent Prostate Enlargement: Foods That Prevent Growth

The increasing consumption of processed and fast foods containing hydrogenated, chemically altered fats in the last one hundred years has significantly contributed to the growing number of men with prostate enlargement. Enlarged prostate symptoms usually begin to develop past the age of fifty, but they are now becoming more common in younger men.
Benign enlargement is so common that it effects ten percent of men under the age of forty. Most men know so little about the prostate gland that they never consider what must be done to keep it healthy. Having an understanding that a healthy diet and proper nutrition are essential to preventing incontinence due to prostate enlargement should be a strong enough motivator to make the necessary changes.
The prostate is small gland around the urethra, located between the rectum and the bladder. Enlargement occurs when abnormal levels of testosterone concentrate in prostate cells. The onset of symptoms are gradual and become apparent when prostate size begins to interfere with normal bladder function.
Here are the 5 most effective treatments for prostate enlargement:

Prostate Superfoods

1) Avoid foods that lead to prostate enlargement - Commercially produced fast foods, processed food and refined foods today contain hydrogenated fats. The process of hydrogenation turns liquid fat to solids at room temperature and produces trans-fatty acids. These altered fats are plastic like in nature and cannot be metabolized by the body. They are large contributors to many serious health conditions today besides an enlarged prostate including the number one and number to killers in North America, heart disease and cancer.

Trans-fats inhibit proper hormone balance. Essential fatty acids needed for many hormone functions, particularly the prostate, are blocked by these altered fats. B6 and zinc, low or absent in the white flour, simple sugar North American diet, are essential for fatty acid transformation required to be effective in hormone development.

Avoiding these toxic fats doesn’t mean total abstinence from your favorite meals, snacks or desserts. For example, trans-fats found in commercial baked products and processed foods can be eliminated by cooking and baking at home because home made foods do not produce these toxins. However, it’s always a good idea to consume them in moderation because they are high in saturated fats.
It is advisable to eliminate red meat from the diet while experiencing prostate enlargement because saturated fats in the meat have been found to make prostate enlargement more severe. Refined sugar sweeteners and sugary drinks such as soda pop should be avoided because they over-stress the hormonal system. Consume foods high in vitamin A, C, E and B6 to prevent cancer causing oxidation in the body due to free radical damage.

2) Eat foods that promote prostate health - Healthy buttery spreads, oils and salad dressings are available at natural grocery and health stores that use cold pressed processing and avoid hydrogenation. These spreads are good for your health and taste great. Replacing unhealthy oils with essential fatty acid rich, unrefined, cold pressed oils from flax, walnuts, pumpkin, hemp, salmon and cod will help stop inflammation and further prostate enlargement.
Pumpkin seeds and unrefined, cold pressed pumpkin seed oil have been found effective at preventing prostate enlargement because of their ability to prevent high concentrations of testosterone in the prostate. They are also rich in zinc and B6. Other foods rich in these nutrients are eggs and sardines.
Other foods that will prevent prostate enlargement are fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds. Drink plenty of fresh juices, particularly pomegranate juice, which has been found effective in promoting prostate health. New research shows that avocados contain active compounds effective at inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells.

3) Take Prostate Supplements - There are several supplements that have been found effective in the treatment of benign prostate enlargement: Saw palmetto berries have the ability to affect hormones in reducing enlargement, increasing urine flow and preventing frequent urination during the night. Others include white dead-nettle tea, pygeum and stinging nettle root.

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