Monday, 1 October 2012

Prostate Problems - Chronic Infectious (Nonspecific) Prostatitis

This is the most common form of prostatitis and unfortunately at the same time worse than the others to diagnose and treat. The main objective is not to cure disease--to alleviate its symptoms.

Signs and symptoms of chronic non-infectious prostatitis is very similar to manifestations of chronic infectious prostatitis. But there is one distinguishing feature: in case of non-infectious prostatitis in the analysis of urine and prostatic fluid sample (juice of the prostate) is not detected bacteria. However, the presence of leukocytes in urine conclusively said that there were currently taking place in the inflammatory process.

The main reason for the difficulties of diagnosis and treatment of non-infectious prostatitis is that the end is not clear the causes of the development of this disease. There are many theories explaining the causes of inflammation. However, none of them can not be considered reliable, and many are very difficult to understand. Some of the possible causes.

Excess sexual activity.

In sexually active young people with inflammation of the urethra (urethritis) or sexually transmitted diseases, sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, are more likely to develop chronic prostatitis. In other men contributing factor may be the reduction of sexual activity - reducing the frequency of sexual intercourse. It develops stagnation in the prostate gland that contribute to inflammation in the absence of an infectious agent.

Other infectious agents.

Inflammation can be caused by some other infectious agents that exist today can not identify the tests. Despite the fact that the world around us seems to have long-studied and understood, nature is not just tossed doctors puzzle: chlamydia often unremembered now open and is defined in clinical practice, not so long ago.

Anxiety and stress.

Such states can cause contraction of the muscle sphincter of the urethra, which regulates the flow of urine from the bladder, and perineal muscles involved in the processes of urination and defecation (pelvic floor muscles). This can prevent proper relaxation of these muscles, which will irritate the prostate and cause the movement of fluids in the urethra back to the prostate. Once in the prostate, they will lead to irritation of its internal tissue.

Lifting weights.

Lifting heavy objects with a full bladder can also lead to the fact that the urine will rise and fall of the urethra in the prostate gland.

Certain professions.

Men, who by virtue of exposing their prostate constants vibrations, such as truck drivers, are more likely to suffer from chronic prostatitis.


Frequent cycling or jogging can irritate the prostate gland.

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