Most common in men over 40 years old, Balanitis is a condition affecting about 11% of adult men and 3% of children. Balanitis is characterized by a shiny red or reddish orange area. It can also present as a yellow patch with pinpoint spotting.
Signs Symptoms of Balanitis
Occurring only in uncircumcised men, balanitis causes the following symptoms:
- Redness, swelling and tenderness of the penile head
- Discharge from the penis
- Impotence
- Swelling
- Difficulty with passing urine
- Inability to retract the foreskin Causes of Balanitis
- Poor hygiene in an uncircumcised male (the most common cause)
- Diabetes (the most common underlying cause of balantis)
- Friction
- Response to infection. Various viruses and organisms can cause
balanitis. These include HPV (human papilloma virus), strep, candida,
gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis
- Chemical irritants
- Allergic reactions to some medicines
- Penile caner (a rare cause of balantis)
The causes of balanitis are not known for sure but include:
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