The nature of the problem
Human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The 23rd pair is the sex
chromosome pair, which in males is usually XY. However, some males have
an extra X chromosome, resulting in three sex chromosomes, or XXY. All
cells in the body may have this set of three, or only some cells may
have it (called mosaicism).
Whether it's all or some cells that are affected, the condition may
lead to a set of consequences in the body which has in the past been
termed Klinefelter's syndrome. Not all males with the extra X chromosome
will develop the syndrome, but for those that do develop it, there are
numerous health consequences. In this article, "XXY" will refer to males
who would previously have been considered to have Klinefelter's
Increased risk of breast cancer
XXY boys do not progress normally through puberty. Their testes remain
child-sized and therefore do not produce enough of the male hormone
testosterone. As adolescents, XXY boys are taller than average and may
lack facial hair. About one-third of XXY boys will develop enlarged
breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. This is different than just
fat accumulation that gives the appearance of having breasts--it is true
breast development.
These males with enlarged breasts have the same risk of breast
cancer as women do. In other words, XXY males are 20 to 50 times more
likely than the average male to develop breast cancer. Unlike women,
though, XXY males are more likely to develop cancer in both breasts or
unusual second types of cancer.
Regular examination important
For these reasons, XXY males--both adolescents and adults--need to
practice regular breast self-examination. Although XXY males have other
health problems such as infertility and a slightly increased risk for
autoimmune disorders, breast cancer is certainly the most potentially
life-threatening. It is recommended that XXY males have regular thorough
breast examinations done by a medical professional.
Psychosocial aspects
XXY males aware of their rare disorder no doubt feel alone, as many
people with rare disorders do. As adolescents, they may have been
taunted by other teens about their height and muscle weakness, or if
their breasts developed noticeably. Add to this, then, an XXY male
facing male breast cancer, itself a rare condition (just 0.2 percent of
all cancer in men). In the public's view, breast cancer is considered a
female disease, so XXY males with the disease may feel their masculinity
further threatened. Most literature on the subject, support groups, and
even awareness efforts are directed at women. The XXY male's physician
may not be familiar with male breast cancer or how to treat it. All of
these factors can make an XXY male feel isolated and perhaps cause him
to delay seeking treatment or even deny that he is at risk for breast
Testosterone treatment
Since the testes of XXY males remain small and do not produce enough
testosterone, XXY teens entering puberty benefit from receiving
testosterone injections. The hormone increases strength and muscle size,
promotes the growth of facial and body hair, and gives the teen's body a
more masculine appearance. The literature reviewed for this article did
not state what effect, if any, testosterone injections might have on
breast development, but it would seem that the injections would suppress
breast development as it does in the average adolescent boy.
Treatment with testosterone injections may, therefore, offer a
significant reduction in the risk XXY males face for breast cancer.
Testosterone treatment is known to reduce an XXY male's risk of
developing osteoporosis later in life. Research has shown that even
beginning testosterone injections in adulthood can be beneficial.
Whether testosterone treatment can also beneficial for reducing breast
cancer risk should also be investigated.
Information for this article was taken from:
- Understanding Klinefelter Syndrome, online publication from the National Institute for Child Health and Development.
- About Male Breast Cancer, online publication from
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