Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Male Hot Flashes Really Do Exist!

Male menopause (Andropause) is something that does exist and while many people may not take this very seriously, there is a lot of research that has been done to explore male menopause further. Male hot flashes are very real and any man that experiences a hot flash will likely never forget it.
Many males choose not to talk about hot flash symptoms as this has been something that many people think only women experience. A hot flash for a male can actually be very scary and cause a great deal of alarm since it is something that is a taboo topic.
Females are expected to go through menopause and experience hot flashes, and many women are prepared for this. Males on the other hand are not usually prepared for this type of experience and it can be very alarming for many men, especially if the hot flashes are chronic.

As many males get older their hormones can get out of whack. This can cause a variety of symptoms including hot flashes. If you have any of the symptoms of male menopause, it is important to have your hormone levels checked by your doctor. Getting hormones under control is the best way to tackle symptoms like hot flashes.

If you do find that your hormone levels are unstable, it can be a simple solution to get these levels under control and this can help all symptoms of menopause subside or brought down to a manageable level. You should be open and honest with your doctor about your symptoms and this can help you to get the best treatment.

There are some other symptoms that can occur with guys Andropause and this can include breast enlargement, depression, impotence/erectile dysfunction and a variety of other symptoms. Just like female menopause, symptoms are often very personal to the individual involved and this is why you will want to be aware of your own symptoms so that your doctor can accurately treat each symptom.

Document Your Symptoms For A Testosterone Hormone Imbalance

Male menopause does in fact occur. There are many symptoms that can be mistaken for other problems and you want to make sure that you begin to document your symptoms and this can help you and your doctor to make the diagnosis of a testosterone hormone  imbalance related to male menopause. Male hot flashes are just one of the many troubling factors associated with menopause and there may be an easy solution to this problem. Transdermal delivery (i.e., through the skin) with a testosterone gel or patch is becoming the most common method of treatment for testosterone hormone deficiency in adults.

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