Sunday, 30 September 2012

The Facts About Andropause and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Andropause (aka male menopause) may not be a common discussion topic, but it should be. All men experience the symptoms of Andropause to some extent, especially after the age of 40. So what is andropause, and why should you ask your doctor about it?

What is Andropause?

Andropause is caused by low testosterone levels in men. Testosterone levels reach a peak when men are around 15 to 18 years old, and then begin to decline after age 25 - 27. Around the age of 35, most men notice the symptoms of andropause to some extent.

Although andropause is caused by the natural decline of hormone levels in men, factors such as obesity, cancer, heart and lung diseases, certain medications, stress, and depression may accelerate the onset of andropause. Good news though, exercising regularly, limiting alcohol, and following an optimal diet can help you better manage the symptoms of andropause. Also, make sure to get your testosterone levels checked by your doctor on an annual basis. Many men are diagnosed with depression without having their testosterone levels checked to see if they have andropause.
What are the top symptoms of andropause?

The top male menopause symptoms are irritability, decreased sex drive, muscle loss, depression, and decreased bone density. Other symptoms include sleep problems, weight gain around the middle, memory loss, erectile dysfunction, and night sweats. Fortunately, andropause treatment is available. Your doctor can test your testosterone levels and provide testosterone treatment through male hormone replacement therapy.

Male hormone therapy is effective at alleviating the symptoms of andropause. Male hormone treatment can improve a man's sense of well-being and increase male sex drive, muscle mass, strength, and. Male hormone therapy also reduces mood fluctuations, irritability, and depression. It has been shown to reduce the risk of developing certain medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis, and therapy can prevent osteoporosis, optimize bone density, and improve mental acuity.

Male hormone replacement therapy is a safe treatment for low testosterone levels . It has been used for over 60 years, and the most recent research confirms, it is a safe and effective treatment if done correctly. Before receiving treatment, you must have a physical exam and a consultation with a qualified physician. Blood tests will be ordered to measure hormone levels and including a PSA (prostate-specific antigen) blood test to check the health of the prostate. These pre-cautionary procedures help ensure proper, safe treatment.

The primary hormones used to treat andropause are testosterone, thyroid, human growth hormone and DHEA (which helps with immune function, increasing energy levels, and reducing depression).


Testosterone is responsible for the normal growth and development of sex organs and normal levels of testosterone contribute to energy, sexual function, mood, and libido.


Thyroid is a systemic hormone having a significant impact on overall health including metabolism, energy, well being, hair loss, immune system, memory, heart health, to name only a few.

Human Growth Hormone:

Human growth hormone (HGH) controls muscle and bone growth and lowers the amount of fat in the body. HGH is also known for its anti aging properties and its ability to increase calcium retention, protein synthesis, and muscle mass.


DHEA is secreted by the adrenal gland and several studies suggest that DHEA has many therapeutic properties. Principle among those is 1) support to the immune system helping to prevent everything from the common cold to cancer and 2) a balance to cotisol secreted by the body under stress and highly destructive to body cell when present in excess.

Seeking Help for Andropause and Male Menopause:

It is estimated that four out of five American men over the age of 40 have low testosterone, and 99% men over the age of 60 have low testosterone. However, only 5% are currently being treated. Testosterone is responsible for the muscle development and contributes to energy, mood, and libido. Fortunately, testosterone deficiency can easily be treated.

Testosterone replacement can dramatically change how you feel on a daily basis, improve energy and mood, reduce depression and irritability, and help you maintain your muscle strength, increase libido, and reduce belly fat tissue. If you suspect you have andropause, or are beginning to notice andropause symptoms, talk to your doctor about getting your testosterone levels checked. Before you start a treatment program, do your research to make sure the low testosterone treatment program that you are being prescribed is the best for you.

Serious Health Diseases That Challenge Men Today

When it comes to health, men unlike women show little concern. Maybe this could be the reason why women have a longer lifespan. Even though they both face many of the same health risks, more men die at an early age then women and this helps to verify that they are less conscious about their health. Men are facing some very serious health risks today and if they continue to ignore them, they will continue to have a very high disease and mortality rate.

The most common cause of death for men aged 30 and over is that of heart disease. Studies have shown that over 30 percent of all men throughout the entire world suffer from heart conditions. Those who have a family history of heart disease fall into the higher risk category along with those who choose to live an unhealthy lifestyle. There are several factors that contribute to heart disease such as smoking, drinking, eating high cholesterol foods and becoming a couch potato.

In order to get the upper hand on heart disease you need to get some form of daily exercise as well as eating a diet that is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Daily exercise alone can reduce your chances for heart attack or stroke by as much as 80 percent. This can be something as simple as a half hour walk in the park each day. You can also cut your risks by avoiding high cholesterol foods along with salt and sugar.

Another major cause of death in men is lung cancer and this is comparable to breast cancer in women. It is also the deadliest form of cancer for men. Lung cancer has claimed more victims in the last 10 years than all other forms of cancer combined. Smoking is the main cause of lung cancer and it can also be caused by second-hand smoke form people or smoke from automobiles.
The main ways to treat lung cancer are by chemotherapy and radiation, but the best thing to do is to prevent it by avoiding smoking along with secondhand smoke and by staying away from heavy polluted areas whenever possible.

Prostate cancer is the second most common type of cancer found in men. Although the cause of this cancer is not known, symptoms of this disease can be detected early through PSA or Prostate-Specific Antigen Test. The prostate glands produce this type of protein. If a blood test determines that there is a high level of PSA, it could mean that the prostate is affected with a disease and it could be cancer. Early detection is the key to having the cancer properly treated and cured.

Type II Diabetes is another common disease that millions of men in the United States are diagnosed with. Some men do not even realize that they have this disease. It is caused when the body does not produce enough insulin or it simply ignores it. When this happens, it causes glucose to build up in the blood instead of the cells where it is supposed to. There are races that have higher risks for this disease such as African Americans, Asian Americans and Latinos to name a few.

There are also other factors that contribute to the development of Type II Diabetes such as a person's age and their family health history. A good way to try to avoid getting this disease is to eat a healthy diet along with getting some form of daily exercise and keeping a watchful eye on your weight. Even though there are no foods that are directly linked with diabetes, eating a healthy diet that is low in sugar will play a major role in regulating your insulin levels. Keeping a close
eye on your blood sugar levels can also prevent serious complications from this disease.

Men over 40 who do not live a healthy lifestyle are really putting themselves in danger of developing one of the above diseases, especially if they choose to smoke, drink, overeat and do not get any form of daily physical exercise. The best way to try to avoid these diseases is to live a healthy lifestyle including daily exercise and see your doctor on a regular basis so you can have a yearly physical to ensure that you are healthy and fit.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and if you would like some free information on eating healthy, please visit my web site where you will find some great tips to help you live a long and healthy life.

Type 2 Diabetes - The Effect Diabetes Has On Men

Unfortunately, Type 2 diabetes is not an equal opportunity offender. Although the disease does do a number on women and their overall health, it is men who reap the worst repercussions as a result of having diabetes and unstable blood sugar levels.

Starting with the head and working down to the feet, you can see vision is acutely affected by diabetes due to high and uncontrolled blood sugar levels. There are several conditions that appear to advance more rapidly in diabetic men than diabetic women. One is retinopathy, which is a vision disorder as a direct result of diabetes. Retinopathy is the enlargement, breakage, or leaking of tiny blood vessels in the eye, which can spill blood into the eyeball and threaten vision. Once this condition sets in, men tend to progress into blindness faster than women.

The brain is more susceptible to disaster too. The likelihood of stroke or strokes are higher for men. Adding high cholesterol and elevated triglycerides, or fat in the blood, to this problem only makes it more probable. Let's not forget high blood pressure. It goes hand in hand with obesity, cholesterol and low activity.

Traveling to the heart we see the increased opportunity for health issues. Since men are more prone to heart disease, it goes without saying they need to focus more attention on keeping this area as healthy and fit as possible. In fact, studies show if a man is diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes before the age of 60, they are two and a half times more likely to suffer from a heart attack than non-diabetic men of the same age.

When you get to the midsection, things get serious. For a man, it comes down to impotence. There is a direct correlation between out of control blood sugar levels and erectile dysfunction (ED). The condition can appear even in the early stages of diabetes, but the chances of acquiring it, dramatically increase as you age. Since the causes are due to impaired blood flow, nerve damage and muscle function, it is imperative to keep these areas in check through proper diet and exercise. Also, maintaining a healthy weight is ideal for making sure this doesn't become an issue.

Lastly, it all comes down to circulation. Men seem to have a much higher rate of limb amputation due to poor circulation, than women. In fact, statistically, men are between two and three times more likely to need amputation of their feet or legs as a result of circulation restriction and/or nerve damage. This is where getting up and moving around can benefit. Any form of activity up to and including exercise will keep this debilitating action at bay.
Men... keeping yourself healthy and controlling your blood sugar through..
  • stress-reduction techniques,
  • a balanced diet, and
  • regular exercise,
It is the best bet to reduce or avoid these complications of Type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes Risk For Men

Men with diabetes face several health concerns, including increased risk of heart attacks and strokes and impotence (not being able to have or keep an erection).

Above the age of 50, the likelihood of having difficulties with an erection occurs in approximately 50-60% of men with diabetes. In men over 70, 90% have erectile dysfunction problems (link to diabetes and ED page)

Diagnosed and controlled, diabetes can be successfully managed to minimise its impact on health and well being. You can prevent or delay diabetes complications like damage to eye sight and nerve damage to fingers and toes. However many men do not realise they suffer from the disease. Around one third of the men with diabetes are not aware of their illness.

Diabetes Signs and Symptoms

If you find yourself with any of the following symptoms, it is important you visit your doctor or health practitioner and get tested for diabetes:

o feeling tired
o frequent urination (especially at night)
o being very thirsty
o weight loss
o blurry eyesight
o recurring skin, gum, or bladder infections
o sores that heal slowly
o dry, itchy skin
o loss of feeling or tingling in your feet

Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

There are different kinds of diabetes:

o Type 1 diabetes is usually first diagnosed in children, teenagers, or young adults.
o Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. People can develop it at any age, but it is often diagnosed in later life and is commonly found in men who are over weight and do little exercise.

What is Diabetes?

Most of the food we eat is turned into glucose (sugar) for our bodies to use for energy. The pancreas makes insulin, which helps sugar get into the cells. When you have diabetes, your body either doesn't make enough insulin or can't use the insulin it does make. This causes sugar to build up in your blood. Over the years, high blood sugar leads to problems like heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, nerve problems, gum infections, and amputations.

Diabetes-Related Problems in Men

Men with diabetes suffer more from some diabetes-related health problems than women. The American Diabetes Association reports that:

o In people who develop diabetes before the age of 30, men develop retinopathy (a vision disorder that can lead to blindness) more quickly than women.

o Having the main symptoms of peripheral vascular disease (pain in the thigh, calf, or buttocks during exercise) is linked to a two- to three-fold increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, or cardiac failure in men with diabetes.

o Amputation rates from diabetes-related problems are 1.4 to 2.7 times higher in men than women with diabetes.

"Beer Pot" Belly Equals High Diabetes Risk

Overall obesity, measured by high body mass index (BMI) and a "beer pot" belly, measured by a large waist circumference, both accurately predict the risk of type 2 diabetes in men, but abdominal obesity appears to be the better predictor, new research shows.*

Both BMI and waist circumference are useful for assessing health but waist circumference can indicate a strong risk for diabetes whether or not a man is considered overweight or obese according to his BMI, researchers said.

As waist circumference increased, so did the risk of developing diabetes, with the risk in men with the highest waist circumference (up to 158 centimetres) increasing by 12 times.

The study findings also suggest that the currently recommended cut-off for high waist circumference of 102 cm (40 inches) for men may need to be lowered to 95 cm.

Many of the men who developed type 2 diabetes had measurements lower than the cut-off and the risk associated with the waist circumference increased at a much lower level than previously thought.

Sleeping Too Much Or Too Little Increases Diabetes Risk

Men who sleep too much or too little are at an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, according to a study by the New England Research Institutes in collaboration with Yale School of Medicine researchers.

Six to eight hours of sleep was found to be most healthy.

In contrast, men who reported they slept between five and six hours per night were twice as likely to develop diabetes and men who slept more than eight hours per night were three times as likely to develop diabetes. Previous data have shown similar results in women.

The elevated risks remained after adjustment for age, hypertension, smoking status, self-rated health status and education.

Too little sleep appears to produce metabolic disturbances like decreased carbohydrate tolerance, insulin resistance, and lower levels of the hormone leptin leading to obesity. The mechanisms by which long sleep duration increase diabetes risk requires further investigation.

You Can Delay or Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

When you take steps to prevent diabetes, you also lower your risk for heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, and amputation.

Small changes in your lifestyle can make a difference.

They include:

o Getting 30 minutes of physical activity five days a week and losing 5 to 7 percent of your body weight.
o To help you lose weight, choose low-fat foods and foods high in fiber.
o Cut down on fat and cholesterol by having low-fat dairy products, lean cuts of meat, fish, poultry, fruits, and vegetables.
o Limit foods high in salt and sugar.
Know Your Risks That Can Lead to Type 2 Diabetes
It's important to find out early if you have type 2 diabetes or if you are at risk of developing it. To find out if you're at risk, check off each item that applies to you.
o I am overweight or obese. (Obesity is measured with a body mass index (BMI), which shows the relationship of weight to height.)
o I have a parent, brother, or sister with diabetes.
o My family background is African American, American Indian, Asian American, Latino, Maori or Pacific Islander.
o I have high blood pressure.
o My cholesterol is not normal. My HDL or "good" cholesterol is less than 50 or my triglycerides are 250 or higher.
o I am not very active. I exercise less than three times each week.

Signs of Diabetes in Men - Things You Should Know About Diabetes

Current research established that males are much more susceptible to diabetes-related problems than women. Considered to be a 'man produced disease', these days diabetes is one of the primary factors after much graver health problems associated with kidney, heart and also eye-sight. Are you aware about the signs of diabetes in men? Otherwise, you better read the whole article to find out. Diabetes is not a contagious disease, similar to a cold or influenza. You cannot "catch" it from somebody else, and no one can catch it from you. Diabetes is a long term illness.

Listed Below Are the Typical Indicators of Diabetes in Males

• Polyuria (frequent urination) is presumably the most aggravating manifestation that affects a diabetic.
• Polydipsia growing one's thirst drastically and leaving one feeling dry all of the time is cause by loss of fluid or dehydration from the body.
• Polyphagia will be the feeling of overly hungry all the time and one of the signs of diabetes in men.
• Unexplained sudden weight reduction or weight gain is also another indication of diabetes.
• Increased fatigue and/or exhaustion.
• Poor or blurred vision is an evident sign of diabetes.
• One may also endure from tingling or burning sensation in arms, hands, legs, and feet.
• Diabetes is most likely to take its toll on one's sexual life. Erectile dysfunction is much more typical in males 50 years or more.
• Skin infections are also widespread among males plagued by diabetes.
• Any person suffering from this disease is most likely to develop a weak immune system over the time.
• Some other usual signs and symptoms of diabetes that are most likely to show up in the early stages are poor appetite, viral illness and physical weakness.

According to the American Diabetic Association (ADA), around 17 million people in the United States currently have diabetes. That's almost 8% of the population. Unfortunately, the ADA estimates much more than one third of those people are not aware they have the disease and might go untreated.

Untreated or uncontrolled, diabetes can cause blindness, comas, and kidney failure, nerve illness and amputations, heart illness, and/or stroke.

Amongst illnesses, diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death within the U.S. and may also contribute to much more deaths. So be aware of the signs of diabetes in men.

How to Deal With Heart Valve Disease

Heart valve disease occurs when there is an existing problem with one of your heart valves. It is a necessity for the public to be aware of the consequences of this disease. In the worst case scenario, this condition may cause the untimely death of a person. Therefore, an early detection and a prompt treatment may avert further consequences taking place. The functions, causes, symptoms, diagnoses, and even the treatments are important information concerning heart valve diseases.

The heart consists of a few structures that are put together to pump blood to the entire body. There are several parts within the three layers of outer structures of the heart. The upper and the lower chambers are commonly known as the atria and ventricles. They are the major parts of the heart. The lateral classifications of the heart, the right and the left portions, are not the only structures that comprise the heart. In-between these chambers there are heart valves.

The valves are also seen prior to the pulmonary vein and subsequent to the pulmonary artery before reaching the left atrium. The mitral valve can be found in-between the left atrium and the left ventricle. It has two leaflets that actually flail as the valves open and close. At the other side, the tricuspid valve is found between the right atrium and the right ventricle, and it has three leaflets. The basis for the names of the valves comes from their structure.

The function of these heart valves is to provide a one-way stream of blood inside the heart. The one-way stream of blood is very important to maintain the normal function of the heart. The valve provides the blood a passageway before leaving each chamber by opening its leaflets. Inversely, it prevents the blood from flowing backwards by closing its flaps subsequent to the flow of blood through it. The relaxation and the contraction of the heart tissue triggers the open-and-close mechanism of the valves which control the flow of blood.

When the purpose of the heart valves diminishes, due to bacteria or other conditions, the functions of the heart are also disrupted. The malfunctions are classified into two classifications: regurgitation and stenosis. Regurgitation is the flow of blood with a backward direction, and stenosis is the narrowing of the heart valves.

As the heart valve disease occurs, many manifestations can take place. The actual condition of the disease doesn't necessarily reflect on the manifestations. It can occur abruptly depending on the duration of the disease progression. The development of this condition may vary from one person to another. Some patients may have a longer disease process. The symptoms may mimic other conditions such as heart failure.

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to cure a disease. This is especially true for this disease because the treatment comprises an expensive multifaceted approach that entails administration of medications and surgical procedures. Preventing the incidence of heart valve disease is the immediate treatment for a sore throat by using potent antibiotics. This intervention is performed to avert the occurrence of rheumatic fever that eventually can lead to valvular heart diseases. Maintaining a healthy heart diet will also prevent the prevalence of this disease. The early recognition of the symptoms is a very good secondary preventive measure to avoid further complications.

Types and Symptoms Of Heart Valve Disease

There are two types of heart valve disease--heart disease resulting from narrowed heart valves, and heart disease resulting from leaky heart valves. Each of them stems from several different causes, ranging from birth defects, to bacterial infection, to aging.

Congential Heart Valve Disease

Congenital heart valve is the most common, and can result in inflexible or narrowed, or floppy, valves, or irregular valve flaps. Congenital heart valve disease is often diagnosed within a few days of a baby's birth, but if the defect is minor, may not be discovered until much later. Heart valve disease can be very hard to diagnose because some forms of it do not produce symptoms.
Some people, however, acquire heart valve disease because of complications from another disease such as heart muscle disease, coronary artery disease and heart attack. A child who has suffered from a rheumatic heart disease because of a simple strep throat will likely to have a valvular disease when he or she reaches adulthood.

Heart valve disease, however, can also develop as a complication from some other illness; children who have had rheumatic fever following an untreated case of strep throat have a greater than fifty percent chance of developing scarring on their heart valves. A heart with scarred valves has to work harder than one with smooth ones, and as the years mount, the extra strain on the heart can lead to rheumatic heart disease.


Another form of heart valve disease which can result from infection is endiocarditis. Endiocarditis develops when bacteria enters the bloodstream during surgery or dental procedures, causing inflammation of the heart and scarring both its valves and leaflets. In the case of endiocarditis, the scarred leaflets will allow blood entering the heart to back up, or "regurgitate," diminishing the blood volume within the heart and the amount of blood and oxygen which reaches the body's other organs.
The elderly are susceptible to heart valve disease resulting from calcification, or calcium deposit buildup, along the valves.

Testing For Heart Valve Disease

Echocardiograms and MRIs are the tests best suited to diagnose heart valve disease. Either one will give the cardiologist a good look at abnormalities both in the main chambers of the heart and all its smaller structures including the valves.

What Are the Symptoms of Skin Cancer?

The symptoms of skin cancer are the easiest symptoms to detect. This is because cancer of the skin usually manifests itself in abnormal skin growths that are in plain sight. Although these may sometimes look like a simple sore or a pimple, when it fails to heal over time, this can immediately alert the patient that something is wrong. Also, most cancerous skin growths often ooze some fluid, bleed, and crust or scab over, which are more telltale signs that it is more than just a simple growth. These, however, are usually painless, which is why some people still fail to report their case, leading to delayed treatments.

If you see a new growth on the skin that looks abnormal or does not seem to heal or go away, these should be reported to a doctor. Although many skin growths such as moles are nothing to worry about, it is still best to seek the advice of a medical professional. When a growth is cancerous, however, you can usually tell over time as they often change in size or color.

Symptoms of the Most Dangerous Type of Skin Cancer

The most dangerous type of skin cancer is malignant melanoma. This usually forms on the trunk or on the legs. Although these don't get constantly exposed to the sun, these areas usually get rare but very intense exposure to the sun, such as when a person spends an excessive amount of time at the beach without applying skin protection products. However, melanomas can also form from an existing mole or freckle, so it is sometimes difficult to identify as well. Keep in mind that when a freckle-like spot on the skin is multi-colored and combines shades of brown, black, red, white, and blue, then it could be a melanoma, not a freckle, which is just light to dark brown in color. Melanomas also have an irregular or uneven border, while a freckle usually have clear-cut borders.

Diagnosing Skin Cancer

Experienced doctors who are trained in diagnosing skin cancer can often recognize its symptoms with one look. To get an idea of the full extent of the disease, however, a complete examination of the entire skin surface will still be needed. Once some symptoms are spotted, a specialist will do a biopsy to determine whether cancer cells are indeed present in the skin cells. This is the surest way to diagnose whether the disease is present or not and to determine its specific type.

In a biopsy, a doctor will take cells or tissues from your skin and analyze them under a microscope. There are two types of biopsy: excisional and incisional. Excisional, which obtains a wider margin of tissue around the affected area, is more effective in diagnosing malignant melanoma. Incisional biopsy removes only a small sample of the growth. This is more common and can usually identify other forms of the disease.

Classifying Benign and Malignant Lumps

The capability to identify a lump will be a big help particularly to people who are not scientifically or medically knowledgeable about it. There are a few types of the same and are classified depending on size, growth and its effect on the body.

Define Lump

A lump is a localized area of swelling that may come about just about anywhere on the body. Physicians usually call it bump, nodule, contusion, tumor or a cyst.

What causes lumps?

Lumps may appear due to infections, inflammation, tumors or traumas.

Types of Lumps

These can be categorized to three: There are actually lymph nodes and glands, benign lumps and the cancerous ones which are known as malignant lumps.
In the following paragraphs, we're going to focus on benign and malignant lumps and talk about the classification and treatments for the both of them.

Classifying a benign lump

Best alternative cancer treatment centers have described some of the types of benign lumps as follows:
Nodules - Actually this is a very general term for a cancerous or a non-cancerous lump. Usually doctors describe the same as a nodule until they've identified what kind of lump it is.
Cysts - These are fluid-filled sacs of tissue that show up as lumps, this can also appear in every part of the body. Great thing here is that cysts usually go away by themselves.
Lipomas - A lipoma is a benign lump that consists of fats. These are non-cancerous lumps but could be surgically removed according to its location and size.

Treatments for benign lumps

Basically, benign lumps need no treatments. Yet, in some cases patients may require the same, it can be because of the appearance or it's just bugging them. Specialists on lumps may just keep a watchful waiting to make sure that it won't cause critical problems on patients. But again, a treatment or surgery can be executed if serious symptoms occur. Medications and radiation can be the two main treatments to carry out when a patient has a benign tumor.

Classifying a malignant lump

These are distressing kinds of lump or in general called as tumors. Malignant lumps are ambitious basically; for the reason that they've got few goals. First is to survive and second is to conquer; these tumors work double time to make sure that they can conquer and impact the body. They grow even quicker than a benign tumor; they usually are not moving but are spreading.

Treatments for malignant lumps

Some cancer treatment centers found these tumors clearly just like that of a skin cancer, but not all of those can be seen during exams and tests because they might be hiding deep inside the patient's body. A biopsy can be performed to make sure that the lumps that a patient has in their body are dangerous or not. A CT and MRI scans can be carried out to see the actual location of the tumor and to determine how far it has spread. Other kinds of tests required are blood test, bone marrow biopsy, x-ray and CBC.

When should you make an action about your lump?

Your instant action is needed to ensure your lump is not dangerous. Don't wait for many symptoms to occur prior to getting an appointment. Prevention surpasses cure and many cancer patients have saved their lives by detecting their lumps earlier than ever. Additionally, making sure that you are living and practicing a healthy lifestyle is necessary to help yourself prevent any possible disease.

A List of 4 Cancer Fighting Foods

One of the best ways to prevent cancer is to control your diet and monitor the things you eat. Not many of us take the time to really look at what we consume on a daily basis. When you really take a minute to figure it out, I bet that you'd be surprised just how bad your diet is.

I sat down a few weeks ago and wrote down all of the foods I eat during the day. Surprisingly, I was a bit frightened by what I saw. I never realized how much of my diet was composed of sugary cereal and fattening snacks. On top of that, I was eating a lot of processed packaged foods.

After doing some research I found several foods that are good for general health. On top of that, they are also good for promoting cancer. It's a win-win! Below you'll find 4 popular foods that are healthy in general and that also fight cancer.
  • Carrots - I have to say that carrots are one of my favorite vegetables. As you can imagine I was pleased to learn that they help fight cancer. They contain a lot of beta carotene, a compound that protects us from a wide range of diseases that occur in the throat, bladder, stomach and intestines (among others).

  • Sweet Potatoes - These babies also contain a lot of beta carotene as well as other micro nutrients that help cleanse and feed our bodies. Micro nutrients are a very important part of our diets, and processed foods are severely lacking in micro nutrients. Micro nutrients help boost our immune system and allow us to fight off a wide range diseases and sicknesses. If you're not a big fan of plain sweet potatoes, try adding a little bit of butter and some brown sugar. Just don't add too much!

  • Grapefruits - I love eating grapefruit. They are by far one of my favorite fruits along with cantaloupe and strawberries. If you are looking for a good way to eat a grapefruit, try cutting it in half first. Next, take a sharp knife and start carving around each triangle-shaped piece of fruit. After that, take a spoon and simply scoop out each piece of fruit. Easy!

  • Tomatoes - If you like eating burgers, you've probably had a tomato or two in your life. They go great on salads, and they contain lycopene which attacks free radicals in the body which have been known to cause cancer. Try adding some mozzarella cheese and olive oil to make a caprese salad if you don't want to eat a totally plain tomato.
Well, I hope this list has helped you. There are lots of other cancer fighting foods out there, but these are a few of my favorites. Remember that it's not always possible to fully prevent yourself from getting cancer. However, eating a healthy diet will generally greatly improve the length and quality of your life.

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Should You Trust Your PSA Scores?

Most of patients undergo routine, annual PSA (prostate specific antigen) testing. 9 times out of 10, the result comes back within range of normal, or negative as does their physical exam. At other times, a PSA test may come back as elevated, outside of the normal range, and then I have the unpleasant task of calling these patients and giving them potentially very scary news.

PSA testing is one of the best medical screening tools available to detect cancer of the prostate, but there is a two-sided debate about its true value. With current PSA testing, we have to deal with results that could be false negatives versus false positives. That is, your PSA testing that comes back from the lab as "abnormal", or out of normal range, but may not be anything for you to be concerned about. On the other hand, you may have "normal" lab results and have symptoms or physical findings that warrant further testing.

First, for those of you who have yet to have a PSA test done, let's talk about what PSA testing is and how it can benefit a man.

What Is Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing?

Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing is a blood test that measures PSA, a substance made by the prostate gland. PSA testing is done by a simple blood test performed in your doctor's office. The normal range falls between 1-4 nanograms of antigen per milliliter of blood. This is where the debate stems from as a "normal" blood result does not always assure you are cancer free.
In a recent study, 15.2% of men with lower than 4 PSA results were diagnosed with a high grade cancer. Symptoms, and/or lump on physical exam alone, can prompt a closer look with additional testing, such as ultrasound, cystoscopy, or surgical biopsy, even with normal ranges. Generally, however, the 1-4 scoring system is usually accurate for a disease-free prostate. Now, let's talk about the other side of the coin, an elevated PSA.

Does An Elevated PSA Level Always Mean Cancer?

When I see a higher than normal range PSA level result, there are other factors that also need to be considered like:

Age: The older a man is, the more at risk he is for prostate cancer which may raise a red flag but doesn't necessarily mean his high PSA level will show cancer. In a younger man, elevated PSA levels may be more a result of other factors that can drive up PSA numbers like those listed below.

Race: Hispanic males are at greatest risk for prostate cancer, though the reason for this is not clear. African-American males are second-highest at risk, white males next, with Asian/Pacific Islander, Native Americans at less risk.

Infection: A urinary tract infection, or infection in another part of the body, can throw off PSA testing, causing it to be high even though there may be no evidence of cancer.

Inflammation: Inflammation of the prostate or the surrounding area can also falsely elevate a PSA test.

Enlarged prostate (benign, or noncancerous): A condition called benign prostatic hypertrophy can also cause a false elevation of the PSA test.

Symptoms: As mentioned above, symptoms alone can prompt further testing in a normal PSA result. In contrast, a man may have a high PSA level and have no symptoms at all!

Digital rectal exam: If a lump or other abnormality is felt in the prostate gland during a rectal exam, with a normal PSA level, this will prompt further testing.

New Technologies and Recommendations

Even though current PSA testing is not a perfect science, and its results can be skewed by many factors, it is still one of the best screening tools we have for detecting early prostate cancers.
New technologies are being developed to address the current inadequacies of regular blood PSA testing. These include PSA velocity which measures rises in PSA over time; PSA density which compares the level of PSA with the size of the prostate; free PSA versus attached PSA which can more clearly show a benign prostate enlargement rather than possible cancer; lowering the PSA "normal" cut off to 2.5 instead of 4 in the hopes of finding prostate cancers that are overlooked.
Whichever modality is used, I recommend that, starting at age 40, men get an annual prostate screening exam, which consists of both a PSA test, and a digital rectal exam. Or, even if you are younger, if you have any of the following symptoms, please see your doctor to be screened:

•Difficult urination - starting, stopping flow; weak stream
•Frequent urination - especially having to get up a few times a night
•Blood present in the urine or semen
•Pain upon ejaculation
•Constant pain in the lower back, hips, pelvis

Some wonder what is the value of a PSA test in the first place if it can register false readings and cause even more anxiety in patients and/or put them through further testing that may not be necessary. I feel the answer lies in using the PSA as only one tool in addition to good detective work on the part of your doctor to determine false negatives or positives.

Take heart in the fact, though, that most men with elevated PSA results read false positive and do not have cancer. Only about 25-30% of all men who have further testing, like ultrasound and biopsy, actually turn out to have cancer. Further, over 1.8 million men are survivors of prostate cancer as the result of early screening! And that's a real positive that you can trust.

Friday, 28 September 2012

Type 2 Diabetes - Diabetes In Men

Genetic inheritance causes Type 2 diabetes. But factors such as excess weight around the abdominal area, lack of exercise and even the stress of surgery, interact with the genetic risk to trigger the disease. Although it is true people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes are found to be insulin-resistant before they actually become obese, sedentary, or undergo surgery.

It is important for men to know the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes in order to lower their risk of developing it. Men over 40 years of age, especially those who are overweight with a waistline of or greater than 40 inches (100 cm), and have a family history of diabetes are the most vulnerable.
Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body is not able to produce enough insulin or the body is not able to properly utilize the available insulin. Insulin is required by the body for glucose absorption by the tissues and cells. Since the glucose or sugar is not absorbed by the body, it remains in the blood stream giving rise to high blood sugar levels.

The problem with Type 2 diabetes is the body can harbor the condition for years before the individual is even aware something is wrong. The symptoms can often be dismissed due to age, weight gain or lack of physical activity. By the time a diagnosis is confirmed, significant change within the body has occurred.

One of the most common issues with diabetes in men is impotence. Unstable blood sugar attacks nerves throughout the body, even in the penis. Diabetes can damage the parasympathetic nervous system so the male cannot get an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. The good news is, like many other complications, once blood sugar levels are brought under control, the condition will likely improve.

Most men have a tendency to carry their excess weight around the abdominal area. But when you see extra fat on a man's midsection that is only part of the problem: the rest of the fat is packed inside the abdominal area around the:
  • stomach,
  • pancreas,
  • liver,
  • intestines, and
  • kidneys.
This can cause a condition know as fatty liver, although diabetes does not cause fatty liver disease. Type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease have a tendency to occur in the same people because the two conditions cause both problems. A fatty liver can cause many complications. Even though the excess fat inside the abdominal area (visceral fat) is crowding all of the organs, the liver is receiving the brunt of the damage.
Other related symptoms of Type 2 diabetes for men to be aware of include:
  • dry mouth,
  • increased hunger,
  • nausea,
  • vomiting,
  • weak or blurred vision,
  • numbness in hands or feet, and
  • infections of the skin or urinary tract.
Each of these conditions can vary in severity.

As with women, men have to adopt a regimen that includes:
  • eating a balanced diet of healthy foods,
  • starting a routine of low-impact exercise, and
  • checking their blood sugar levels on a regular basis.
Once excess weight is lowered and blood sugar levels remain within a stable range, it is often possible for men to reduce their medication. Some men are able to come off their medication altogether. Don't make the decision to lower your medication alone, check with your doctor once your body weight and blood sugar levels lower.

Testosterone Treatment For Men With Type 2 Diabetes

Dr. Hugh Jones of the University of Sheffield in England, reports that treating male type 2 diabetics who have low testosterone levels with replacement testosterone can greatly reduce insulin resistance. The boost to testosterone levels resulted in better control of blood sugar levels. About a third of men who have type 2 diabetes have low cholesterol levels. A common genetic problem among type 2 diabetic men whose ancestors came from Britain or Ireland is iron overload, which gradually shrinks testicular tissue so that their testosterone levels fall. Lower testosterone levels occurs at the same time as higher blood sugars levels. Dr. Jones found that testosterone replacement therapy was not a miracle cure for type 2 diabetes, but it usually lowered HbA1c levels by about 0.5%. Low-dose testosterone therapy also increases libido and sexual performance but it does not increase the risk of prostate problems, as long as the testosterone injections and gels are taken as directed. Dr. Hugh Jones also reported that many of his patients dropped out of the study because of allergic reactions to his particular formula. If insurance won't pay for testosterone replacement therapy, type 2 diabetic men who have testosterone levels in the 200's or lower, have a natural alternative. The herb extract chrysin will not increase testosterone production, but it will help a man's body to conserve testosterone. Like testosterone injections or gels, chrysin takes about six months to work, but it may lower blood sugar levels even as it bolsters manly characteristics.

Men with type 2 diabetes should not attempt to raise testosterone levels with androstenedione. This popular supplement is proven to raise testosterone levels... but in women. One study found that taking no more than 300 mg of this supplement a day, might raise testosterone levels in older men.

Unfortunately a similar dose raises estrogen levels in younger men. This is a supplement that men with type 2 diabetes are probably better off leaving alone.

When carefully questioned, approximately 50 per cent of males with type 2 diabetes will admit to difficulty with their sexual function. This difficulty usually shows itself in the form of erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to have or sustain an erection that is sufficient for intercourse. Reasons besides insufficient production of the hormone testosterone include:
  • overproduction of a hormone from your brain, called prolactin
  • trauma to your penis
  • medications to lower high blood pressure (anti hypertensives) and antidepressants
  • poor blood supply to your penis due to blockage of the artery due to peripheral vascular disease
The failure of erection in type 2 diabetics is is also determined by the degree of control of your blood sugar levels, better control of blood sugar levels is associated with fewer problems.

The Effect of Diabetes on Men's Sexual Health

Diabetes is one of the causes of marital problems. Sexual potency is a fundamental requirement in marriage. When the man or the woman discovers sexual displeasure at any particular point in time, expression of concern becomes inevitable.

Diabetes is one of the most common causes of sexual weakness (impotence) amongst men. To understand how this occurs, let us briefly understand the mechanism of erection.

Mechanism of Erection

An erection begins when a man is sexually aroused, either physically or psychologically. The action is masterminded by a nervous pathway known as Parasympathetic Nervous Pathway. It is the stimulation of this nerve that triggers the process of erection.

The arousal triggers the release of a substance in the body called Nitric Oxide. This substance causes an increased level of a powerful substance called cyclic GMP (Guanusyl MonoPhosphate). The latter performs the wonders of erection by causing forceful opening and enlargement of the blood vessels supplying blood to the penis, thereby causing blood to rush into the chambers of the penis (Corpus Cavernosum Spongiosum).

These erectile tissues, when filled with blood, expand both in length and in width and by so doing, compress the veins (blood vessels carrying blood away from penis), thus blocking out flow. When this happens, the blood-filled penis becomes strong and rigid, thus you have an erection.

However, following ejaculation or loss of the sexual stimulus, another substance called
Phosphodiesterase is released in order to bring the penis back to normal, otherwise the penis will remain erect and cause pain; a condition known as Priapism, commonly seen in sickle cell patients. The substance Phosphodiesterase causes quick reduction in that substance that open the blood vessels i.e. Cyclic GMP.

By so doing, Phosphodiesterase reduces the inflow while increasing out flow of blood from the penis, thus falling of the organ.

From the understanding of how erection occurs therefore, we can make the following deductions:

1. Whatever impairs or damage the parasynthetic nerves which supply the erectile organ, the penis, would invariably affect erection.
2. Whatever affects the flow of blood to the chambers of penis also affect erection
Diabetes is the most common documented disease that affects the two vital factors (nerves and blood flow) in erection. Diabetes causes impotence by its damaging effects on the nerves and blood vessels. Studies have also shown that nearly all people with diabetes have abnormal cholesterol levels which contribute to their increased risk of developing atherosclerosis, narrowing of the blood vessel; a principal contributor to poor blood flow to the chambers of the penis, resulting in impotence.

However, the good news about diabetes-induced impotence is that as soon as the blood sugar is controlled, things get back to original state, particularly, if management starts early.

Diabetes patients have always been bothered by possible diabetes control means that will enable them get on with their life.

Below are few sure diabetes information that will help a patient put his or her problem to a reasonable level:

-Dietary management: In general principle, dietary measures are required in the treatment of all diabetic patients in order to achieve the overall therapeutic goal.

-Endeavor to exercise yourself as much as possible.

Diabetes From the Men's Perspective

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are quite standard for both men and women. Around 90% of all diabetic patients in the world have type 2 diabetes which only emphasizes how prevalent and alarming it has been not only for adults but for children as well who are catching up in the latest statistics. Though the number of men and women suffering from this disease may not be far from each other, it has been said that men are more at risk in getting this disease than women.

One of the most recent studies that could explain why men especially in middle age could suffer more frequently from type 2 diabetes than women is due to storing more fat in more risky areas in the body. While women are also accumulating body fat, they are mainly located in the hip and thigh areas which are less contributory to the rise in glucose level that causes type 2 diabetes. Men, meanwhile, have more fat found in rather unsafe body parts such as in the liver and abdomen. This means that men are biologically more prone to developing type 2 diabetes due to fat being distributed in these harmful locations in the body.

The difference between men and women with type 2 diabetes does not stop there. Mortality rates are also noted to be more unfavorable towards women than men. However, further studies are still needed to prove and understand why men with diabetes have lower death rates than women. As for now, available studies show how men are more in control of the disease due to some behavioral differences from women. While women may feel greatly affected mentally and emotionally by the symptoms and risks of this disease, men are seen to be more composed and less worrisome by diabetes. This shows how men could handle stress better when it comes to diabetes while women often experience depression during this difficult time.

However, men are slightly less active in educating themselves about diabetes than women who participate more in the health forums and self-care sessions. The low level of awareness of men regarding this disease must be sufficiently addressed by the government, health institutions and companies where they are employed. With proper education, men can further prevent diabetes from getting worse that could cut their lives short. If not handled properly, men could suffer from cardiovascular diseases that were said to be a common risk of having type 2 diabetes.

Since men tend to be more at risk, they have to be more active in their lifestyle instead of just lounging in the sofa every night. Exercise needs to be a daily routine to ensure that they are not getting overweight or obese that could worsen their condition. A diet plan, though a challenging task, has to be instilled in their everyday lives to control the level of glucose in the body. Exercise and diet routines shall effectively guide them towards a safer and healthier lifestyle living with this type 2 diabetes.

Signs and Symptoms of Diabetes in Men - Warning Signs to Be Aware Of

The signs and symptoms of diabetes in men are more general in nature than those seen in women. However, there are several diabetes symptoms that can be considered unique to men and should be regarded as warning signs. This article will briefly list the general symptoms before listing the specific symptoms that men should look for if they suspect that they may be developing diabetes.
The general symptoms of Diabetes are:
  • Constant thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Constant hunger
  • Constant fatigue and feeling tired
  • Weight loss
  • Slow healing sores, cuts, blisters
  • Dry, itchy rashes
  • Numbness or tingling in extremities
  • Blurry vision
  • Frequent infections
If you have several of these symptoms on a regular basis you should consider seeing your doctor and informing her/him of your concerns.
Specific signs and symptoms of diabetes in men:
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Reduced strength
  • Degradation of vision
  • Muscular pain during exercise
Sexual Symptoms

Erectile dysfunction or impotence are often associated with diabetes in men and can be found even in cases of pre-diabetes. Symptoms such as these can be seen as parallels to the sexual signs and symptoms of diabetes in women as they experience the female equivalent of sexual performance issues as a symptom of diabetes.

Reduced Strength

Since many men have jobs and lifestyles where physical strength is not only an asset but a necessity, diminishing physical strength can often be used as a warning sign of diabetes. As blood sugar levels fluctuate wildly, a man's ability to remain physically strong is negatively affected because of the disruptions in energy levels. If you find yourself suddenly weaker, more fatigued, or having less physical stamina than you did in the recent past you may have early onset diabetes.

Degradation of Vision

Due to a medical condition known as "retinopathy", vision may degrade quickly as diabetes progresses. This is considered a warning sign specific to men because it can occur much more quickly in men than in women. This disorder can cause blindness if left undiagnosed so if you find your vision to be degrading over time then consult your physician with your concerns.

Muscular Pain During Exercise

A unique symptom of diabetes in men is muscular pain during exercise or other signs of peripheral vascular disease. This warning sign is also linked to a three-fold increase in the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, or cardiac failure in men with diabetes.

What Causes a Urinary Tract Infection in Men?

The urinary tract in men is made up of the ureters, kidneys, urethra and the bladder. An infection associated with any of these structures is called a urinary tract infection. When microbes invade this area, the entire situation is pretty bad and in most cases, it spills over to the gonads resulting in the generation of more pain. The kidneys trap urine and other blood wastes and sends to the bladder through the ureters; while the bladder expels from the body via the urethra. Infection of the tract is often concentrated on the lower end that is the urethra and the bladder. More often when one is discussing matters pertaining to the urinary tract the center of attention is on the lower tract.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is caused by germs more often of bacteria in nature that find their way into the urethra and finally reach the bladder. The bacterium that largely causes a UTI is Escherichia coli (E coli). In most cases, bacteria that find their way into the urinary tract are flushed out during urination. If by any chance bacteria remain trapped in your urinary tract, you may get an attack that finally builds up into a disease. The chances of getting UTI are often increased by the following:

1. Deformed urinary tract: Once in a while, the urinary tracts are not formed well or have undergone corrective surgery of some kind. This alone, results in cell disturbance leading to poor control of urine in the long run. The outcome is not one of those pleasant circumstances where urine just flows without control. The same urine may flow backwards into the ureters resulting in very awkward situations for the patient. This reflux may be accelerated by nerve disorders and poor coordination of muscle activity of the entire lower abdomen.
2. Obstruction: blockages are common when out of the blue, urine refuses without warning to leave the body. These obstructions are usually easily removed by urine with ease but once in a while they become a stumbling block. Any blocking means, room for microbes development is ripe. Stones called bladder and kidney stones are the main cause.
3. Absence of circumcision. The presence of the fore skin brings about development of germs very easily because this skin becomes a trap or holder. The germ entry therefore becomes easy and before you learn about it you are already sick.
4, Prostate gland: The smaller the prostrate the better; when activated more often it enlarges and may become infected with time.
5. Making love: If you make love with an infected partner you will definitely get the disease.
6. Poor body immunity: When your immunity is compromised due to infections like AIDS, chances are that you will not be able to stand opportunistic infections. The defense mechanism becomes low and the many other threats may come in automatically knocking the door. The microbes therefore that surround the urethra may bring about the development of UTI with ease.

Treatment of UTI involves a multi therapy approach where antibiotics play a larger role than all other medicines available.

Urinary Incontinence: Men

Incontinence supplies for men are created to help absorb urine that is leaking from the urethra. It is common for men to have urinary incontinence as it may be related to prostate health concerns. If you are suffering from urinary incontinence it is important that you consider using incontinence products that will be able to help you manage your condition quickly and effectively. Depending upon the severity of your urinary incontinence you may have short-term issues or you could have long-term incontinence problems that need to be treated.

What causes incontinence in men?

There are many different things that can lead to incontinence in men. Here are some of the common causes of male urinary incontinence:
• Poor prostate health. You need to look at prostate health because it leaves you struggling with incontinence issues but the prostate health could be a very serious problem. Whether you are leaking urine all the time or just occasionally you need to look at the abnormalities that may be part of your prostate health. Surgery may need to become an option that you need to consider in order to find relief from your prostate problems.
• Diseases. It is common for males to have incontinence problems that are related to serious diseases like neurological disorders. Getting tested is important in order to understand if you are dealing with incontinence that is related to diseases or another condition.
• Urinary tract infection. Many times there are issues with urinary incontinence that come along with a urinary tract infection. An infection causes your bladder to feel like it needs to urinate all the time. If you do not seek out treatment for a UTI it can get worse and it might even infect your kidneys and it could be very serious.
• Aging. One of the reasons why urinary incontinence occurs in men is due to aging. Many elderly males will end up dealing with incontinence as their bodies get older and the muscles are not able to contract effectively.

Different types of male incontinence

There are several different types of male incontinence that you may be dealing with. Some people deal with stress incontinence where others have urge incontinence or overflow incontinence. Stress incontinence is quite common among many incontinence suffers. With stress incontinence your body will release urine when you have too much stress on the bladder like coughing, laughing, or sneezing. With stress incontinence you have excess pressure that is on the bladder and it causes urine to escape suddenly.

Urge incontinence occurs when your body suddenly needs to urinate. In most cases there is nerve damage and your body is not sending the proper signals when it needs to release the urine. It is common to see stroke and dementia patients deal with urge incontinence.

Overflow incontinence is a combination of the two other types of incontinence and it is often harder to manage since you do not really know which one you are going to get. Having incontinence supplies on hand will help you to manage incontinence effectively and can prevent embarrassment.
Treating male urinary incontinence

Dietary changes can help in the treatment of male urinary incontinence problems. There are other things as well that can help like adding exercise to your daily routine and focusing on strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. It is a smart idea to purchase some incontinence supplies like adult diapers and incontinence pads. The incontinence supplies for men will allow you to maintain your dignity as they will capture any urine that is lost during the day or night and will prevent it from soaking into your clothing.

Urinary Incontinence in Men - Your Treatment Options

Males that suffer from urinary incontinence know how challenging it can be to live with this challenge on a daily basis. Urinary incontinence in men is not as common as it is in women and many of the males that struggle with it do not like to talk about it. This can make it harder on males to manage it and to know what type of treatment options are available to help them deal with incontinence. To help you in managing your problems with male urinary incontinence here are some options.

Do you want to find a "cure" from urinary incontinence or do you want to find treatment options that can help you manage your condition on a daily basis? Urinary incontinence is often treated by using adult diapers and other incontinence supplies that will help you to manage your condition each day. Some simple things like changing your lifestyle habits such as changing your diet along with increasing your exercise to gain more control over your bladder. There are other treatments that you can turn to as well like using a catheter or you may even need to consider surgery in order to help you to manage urinary incontinence.

Behavioral treatments are commonly used to help with incontinence as they do prove to be quite effective for many people. With the behavioral treatments you need to look at things like bladder training and strengthening your bladder muscles through Kegel exercises. The bladder exercises you will use often cause you to use the restroom at certain times throughout the day and to restrict your fluid intake at other times. Your goal is to work on teaching the bladder to hold in the urine and when it needs to release it.

In addition to using the behavioral treatments you may also need to consider using medications. Medications can help you to have control over your bladder issues as you are able to use medications that can give you nerve signals again. Other medications help to reduce fluid in the urine production. The nerve signals will cause issues with bladder contractions and this is what leads you to have bladder control problems. If you are using other medications for different things you need to talk to your doctor about these medications to see if they are stimulating the bladder and you might be having issues from these medications.

Surgery is something that some males need to consider turning to in order to work on getting control over urinary incontinence. One of the common surgeries used will be to use an artificial sphincter that is surgically implanted into the urethra. It will help to close the urethra until your body is ready to release the urine. Prostate surgery is another recommendation for males dealing with enlarged prostate and other concerns.

If you do not want to deal with surgery you can consider looking into purchasing a number of incontinence supplies. These incontinence supplies will help you to manage your problems with incontinence on a daily basis. You need to consider looking into a variety of adult diapers, incontinence pads, and many other supplies in order to find the right ones that can help you.

When using incontinence supplies you need to change them frequently and to cleanse the skin properly to prevent skin rashes and infections from occurring. You need to look at incontinence supplies that are comfortable and will be able to properly pull the urine away from the skin to make it easier for you to keep your skin clean and prevent infections from occurring. Incontinence supplies are a key part of helping you to properly manage your condition and to find relief from the embarrassment of incontinence.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Gynecomastia and Your Psyche

Sometimes people may assume that women care the most about their outer appearance. The reality is that many men are unhappy with their outward appearance. One condition that men suffer from and often likely keep silent about it is Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition where men have enlarged breasts that can appear feminine.

Gynecomastia might be something that men try to hide by wearing loose-fitting tops or not taking off their shirt in public. You can likely imagine how much this can limit the life of a man. It might keep him from socializing with other men and playing sports for fear the problem will be noticed in the locker room. It could make a man not look as attractive as he could because of the loose clothing. It could even keep him from getting in close relationships with women for fear that they will not like this appearance if they knew about his problem. All of these issues will limit a man and likely affect him psychologically.

If you are a man that is struggling with this problem, it is important to realize that you do not need to be ashamed of your problem. It is a trait that you were born with, and there is nothing that you or anyone else did to make yourself this way. It is important for you to consider what this problem is doing to you on the inside as well as to your social life. And it is important to then look at these results of your problem and consider remedying your problem.

Perhaps you have never even considered having surgery for a breast reduction. Maybe the thought of it is embarrassing because you are a man, but imagine how much have this surgery would free you to be who you truly are.

If you choose to have the surgery, you will need to find a surgeon that will help you with expectations before having the surgery. Looking at before and after pictures might be helpful for you to see what a breast reduction could do for your Gynecomastia. It is also important to find a doctor that will follow-up with you after surgery to make sure that you have the right mind set about the results you have.

Hopefully you will find that having surgery for breast reduction will open up your world in ways you have never known before. All of that hiding can be done, and you will finally be able to be yourself. Dating, going to a gym or playing sports will now be an option for you.

If you are a  man struggling with this issue, and you are afraid to mention it to your parents, do not keep the issue inside. They may have noticed the problem, but perhaps they have no idea that it bothers you. Make sure you are open with them about this issue so that they can perhaps even help you have the problem remedied.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Prostatitis, A Common Prostate Problem

As a man ages, his body begins to deteriorate and diseases come to surface. One of the most common illnesses that beset an aging man is Prostate conditions like BPH or Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy and prostatitis. Most of these are unavoidable, but their symptoms can be reduced or their onset delayed. To keep the prostate in tiptop condition and reduce the risk of prostate diseases, the man should implement a strict Prostate care program: an exercise regimen, a healthy and well- balanced diet, annual physical exams and correct supplementation. The combination of all these things plus a healthy lifestyle does wonders for the prostate!

One of the common problem men encounters with their prostate is prostatitis. Prostatitis refers to the inflammation of the prostate gland. This gland is located under the male urinary bladder and wraps around the urethra. Inflammation produces swelling of the prostate and cause the gland to constrict the urethra, thus causing impaired urinary flow and pelvic pain. Prostatitis can be caused by a host of factors, such as infections from bacteria or viruses. Also, irritation of the prostate may be another cause for inflammation. The treatment will vary according to the cause, such as when the infection is caused by a bacteria, then antibacterial are ordered. If it's a virus, antivirals are prescribed. When a man grows older and reaches his 40s and 50s, they may experience prostate problems like prostatitis. This condition is characterized by the swelling of the prostate gland which causes urinary problems and pelvic pain.

Prostatitis pain is often mistaken for UTI or Urinary Tract Infection. The pain is non- specific and may radiate to other parts of the body. The man may complain of lower back pain, muscle pain, discomfort in the genital area, painful ejaculation and urination, and urinary urgency. Palpation of the prostate gland through Digital Rectal Exams will reveal it to be swollen and tender. The treatment for prostatitis will of course varies on the causative factors. Most physicians will prescribe antimicrobial for the client to destroy the causative organism. Anti- inflammatory agents are also very important to decrease the swelling and the pain. Since most men complain of pelvic pain, analgesics are also given to minimize or eliminate the pain.

Prostatitis treatments will vary according to the cause of prostatitis. If it is a bacterial infection, then an antibacterial agent will be ordered, if it is viral, then an antiviral drug is prescribed. Also, since prostatitis most often causes pelvic pain, and men will need effective pain relief! To decrease or eliminate these really uncomfortable pain in prostatitis, the attending physician may order some analgesics for the pain such as Tramadol. Some men may opt to seek alternative treatment such as acupressure and acupuncture or herbal medications even! However, do remember to consult with the physician first prior to implementing such alternative treatments.

Hair Loss Linked to Higher Risk of Prostate Cancer

Males often suffer from baldness, receding hair line and thinning of hair. This is mainly because of certain male hormones or androgens like testosterone. This problem is observed mainly in adult male humans. The pattern and degree of baldness varies from person to person. If a man is suffering from acute hair loss, he should look into the roots of the problem and consult a doctor immediately. It is a really advisable thing to always pay attention to any signs of possible problems with our health. It must have been in this light that some have linked alopecia among men to the possibility of having prostate cancer. But how true is this?

I think it would be appropriate to first of all note that testosterone is a prime suspect in hair loss. High levels of testosterone lead to alopecia raising the possibility of prostate cancer at a later stage in life. Some studies have shown that patients suffering from prostate cancer with male pattern baldness were likely to have experienced alopecia when still very young.

Several studies have been done to establish how hair loss is linked to risk of prostate cancer. One of such studies was carried out by researchers at Paris Descartes University, headed by Dr. Philippe Giraud. The study focused on 669 men, 388 of which have prostate cancer while the remaining 281 men were healthy with no signs of prostate cancer. A major conclusion from the research is that men who started noticing signs of hair loss, like a receding hairline or balding, in their 20s were twice more likely than those without these signs until their 30s to develop prostate cancer many years later.
It has been noted, however, that more researches still need to be carried out to establish the link between hair loss and prostate cancer more clearly.

One thing that appears clear at this stage is that androgens, including testosterone, hinder hair growth and encourage prostate cells expansion at the same time. The drug Finasteride is good in checking these unpleasant consequences of androgens.

Besides this, the sufferer can try to solve the hair loss problems by Ayurveda or herbal treatments. It does not involve any chemicals and uses methods of treatment like meditation, yoga, deep breathing, following a healthy diet, oil massage and aromatherapy. This will help a lot in controlling the excessive hair loss problem which would have otherwise resulted in baldness and it also instigates hair regrowth.

What Happens When the Prostate Gland is Removed?

If you have found that you have prostate cancer and have to have it removed, you obviously want to know what happens when the prostate gland is removed. A lot of the results will vary with the severity of the cancer and with the age of the patient. There are some common things that you can expect though after the operation regardless of the circumstances.Once the doctor has removed your prostate, he/she will have to attach your urethra and sphincter to your bladder. Initially, this may cause you some control difficulties regarding your ability to control your bladder, but that should return after time.

You should prepare yourself for this and discuss things that you can do to control this problem with your doctor. More than likely, your therapy will involve different techniques to strengthen this area and allow you to regain control of your movements.For some older men, you may have difficulties getting or maintaining an erection after this procedure. There are a lot of nerves in this area and if they were damaged during the surgery, this is a common outcome. The older you are, the more likely you are to have difficulties. Regardless, you will find that your ejaculations will not be as strong of have as much fluid as they did prior to the operation. If you find that you are impotent after the surgery, you will have various options to help you get through this if is you are still sexually active.

If you have become totally impotent, there are various devices and surgeries that are an option to help you to obtain an erection and enjoy sexual activity.Be prepared for a short hospital stay after the surgery. In most cases, you are out in well under a week. Once you get home, you will have about a month of recovery and if everything is successful, you should be back to normal after about 2 or 3 months.

How to Tell If it is Hemorrhoids Or Enlarged Prostate

If you have never experienced either condition then it may have difficulty when trying how to tell if it is hemorrhoids or enlarged prostate. Hemorrhoids are actually enlarged veins in the lower rectum and anus and tend to clear up after a few days. There are two types of hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids occur outside the anal opening and internal hemorrhoids are inside the lower rectum and anus.

It is possible to have both at the same time.Though hemorrhoids do clear up after a few days the symptom can be quite disruptive and can cause bleeding and excruciating pain. Over 75% of individuals over 30 will experience hemorrhoids. However men tend to develop hemorrhoids that require medical treatment. Hemorrhoids are usually discovered as they can be felt as lumps or bleeding is noticed. An enlarged prostate occurs in men and tends to occur after the age of 40. The prostate actually surrounds the urethra which delivers urine from the bladder to the penis. An enlarged prostate tends to make urination difficult or painful.

Some common symptoms include repeated urinary tract infections, sensitive bladder, acute urinary retention, dribbling of urine, leaking urine and even kidney damage. However some men also have no symptoms with an enlarged prostate.So the two conditions hemorrhoids and an enlarged prostrate are quite different as they affect a different part of your body. Hemorrhoids can happen to anyone and occur in and outside the lower rectum and anus.

An enlarged prostrate effects the urethra and bladder and can make urination very difficult. While hemorrhoids can go away an enlarged prostrate does not and you will need treatment. If for some reason you think you are suffering from wither you should schedule an appointment with your doctor. If they are left unchecked they can develop into serious medical problems.

Healthy Living to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a disease that you should be aware of. It is the most common cancer in Canadian men with a 1 in 7 chance of developing the disease, and the statistics are similar for American men. Your risk of getting the disease increases with age, and if there is a family history of blood relatives with the disease. While there is nothing you can do about the risk factors, you can reduce your cancer risk by making healthy choices each day. Also, know what to look for and be on the lookout for the early signs. The cure rate is very high when prostate cancer is treated in its early stages.

Being On the Lookout

If you're a man over 50 or you develop any of these symptoms, see your doctor and get tested.
  • Frequent urination
  • An intense need to urinate
  • Difficulty in starting urine flow
  • Difficulty in stopping urine flow
  • Inability to urinate
  • Weak urine flow
  • Stoppages in urine flow
  • The sensation that your bladder is not completely empty after urination
  • Pain or a burning sensation while urinating
  • Blood in urine or semen
  • Pain during orgasm
Diet Is Important

Many health problems can be avoided with a healthy diet. Healthy eating may reduce your risk of developing prostate cancer.
Avoid foods that are high in fat. In addition to helping you maintain a healthy body weight, it could help to reduce your chances of developing cancer of the prostate as well as other cancers and heart disease.

  • Choose lower fat content foods more often
  • Avoid margarine, butter and cream
  • Choose leaner cuts of meat or low fat alternatives to meat
Vegetables and Fruit

Choose a variety of vegetables and fruits to eat every day. Cruciferous vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage have been linked to reduced rates of prostate cancer. In addition, vegetables rich in lycopene such as tomatoes, watermelon, pink grapefruit, papaya and apricots are also helpful in reducing the risk.

While it is not yet clear that diet and keeping your weight down can help reduce the risk of prostate cancer, it's never a bad idea to stay active and maintain a healthy body weight. It is proven that an unhealthy diet, extra weight and lack of exercise can increase your risk of prostate and other cancers.

Being Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer

Learning that you have a disease like prostate cancer can be devastating news. It is not however an automatic death sentence. In fact, catching the disease in the early stages increases your treatment options and chance of cure - which is why early and regular screening is so important. There are a number of treatment options available.

Brachytherapy is a method where small radioactive seeds are implanted directly into the prostate gland with a series of needles. While effective, recurrence of the disease after treatment is not uncommon.

Another option is Cryotherapy. Your prostate is frozen and thawed, destroying the cancerous tissue. While effective, there can be side effects such as impotence, urinary incontinence and pain in the pelvic region.

High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU)

HIFU therapy is a minimally invasive procedure where ultrasound waves are used to create intense heat in cancerous cells thereby destroying them. Because this therapy can be repeated and is effective in local tumour control, prostate cancer survival is indeed a real possibility. HIFU also results in less serious side effects, like incontinence and impotency, than surgery and radiation. The Maple Leaf Clinic in Toronto was the first to offer the HIFU prostate cancer treatment in North America. The treatment is currently not available in the U.S.

Prostate Cancer - Does Eating Tomatoes Help Or Prevent Prostate Cancer?


Many men are concerned about their prostate, especially the development of prostate cancer. Some reliable sources tout the benefits of tomatoes in preventing prostate cancer in men. But is there sound medical research and studies that support this conclusion?

What Is In A Tomato

People who praise the benefits of tomatoes specifically point to the nutrient lycopene, an antioxidant, as the key to preventing cancer.

Lycopene blocks free radicals that can damage the cells of your bodies. Some scientific studies have determined that people, who consume foods such as tomatoes that have lycopene, have a lower risk of cancer, especially prostate cancer.


Journal of the National Cancer Institute - In 2005 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported that the frequent consumption of tomato-based products could be connected with a reduced risk of prostate cancer.

The study appeared not to be very well controlled because it looked at men who were of Caucasian ancestry and Southern European descent who frequently consumed tomato based products. Based on this they concluded that a diet rich in tomato products reduced the chances of men developing prostate cancer.

But the report goes on to say that lycopene has not been proven to be the main ingredient that reduces your chances of developing prostate cancer. Plus the way I read the study, it was not well controlled, these men also drank a lot of red wine, which also could account for the decrease in prostate cancer.

National Cancer Institute and Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research - A study by the National Cancer Institute and Seattle's Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research found that eating tomatoes had little if no effect on preventing prostate cancer.

The American Cancer Institute is now saying that these studies are showing that men should focus on a healthy diet rather thank focusing on consuming a certain nutrient like lycopene.

American Cancer Society - A report out by the American Cancer Society says that some studies have shown a reduction in certain types of cancers, but other studies have not shown the same result and more research and study is needed.

They go on to say that a single nutrient may not be the key, but a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, that has many nutrients that when combined together, reduces the chance of you developing cancer of the prostate.


Though various studies have shown that eating a diet rich in tomatoes reduces your development of cancer, other studies have shown they have little to no effect. The current thinking is that to help reduce your chances of prostate cancer, you should eat a diet that is rich in all fruits and vegetables.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Prostatitis and Prostate Adenoma - The Causes

Cause inflammation of the urogenital system in the first place is the weakening of immunity, to which, in turn, results in the use of alcohol and spicy food, smoking, stress, hypothermia, etc.

To lead the development of prostate circulatory disorders caused by stagnation in the pelvis, which are the cause of the rare and irregular sexual intercourse, or, on the contrary, excessive sexual activity, as well as long periods of abstinence, alcohol and smoking.

Among other things, prostatitis can be a consequence of chronic or occupational injury for drivers, motorcyclists, horsemen, etc. Doctors say that 70 out of 100 men suffering from prostatitis, working with transport and high physical exertion.

Recently, increased incidence of prostatitis in men with prostate adenoma. This is due to taking antibiotics for inflammation of the urogenital system. When fading parauretritov and paraprostatitov, lacunar glands are not scars and eventually become a source of adenoma. This leads to the fact that over time, against a background of chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma appears.

According to doctors, the majority of patients with prostatitis had in the past, urogenital infections, most often chlamydia, or mixed infection.

Consequently, we can conclude that chronic prostatitis uretrogennym different origin against hlamdiynyh and other infections, sexually transmitted infections.

Chronic prostatitis is usually present in men, urethritis patients who did not receive appropriate treatment or his past success.

Another reason for the development of prostatitis - herpes virus (second type), or that is not too often, the flu virus.

It is worth noting that in some cases of chronic prostatitis occurs even in the absence of urethral infections. Also prostatitis can occur in the absence of all sorts of symptoms and disorders of sexual function.

Recall that in addition to various diseases, the development of prostate can cause a certain lifestyle and bad habits. A sedentary lifestyle, coitus interruptus, alcoholism, smoking, and even watching erotic films - can cause inflammation in the prostate.

Often men use alcohol as a means to enhance sexual desire, keeping in mind that, thus increasing the desire, they reduce their capacity. In addition, the organism responds to this "to boost" potency disorders, reduced performance, etc. Factors causing potency disorders, also include masturbation, long periods of abstinence, and sexual excesses.

Too vigorous sex life adversely affects the health of men: blood circulation, reduced output of sex hormones, deteriorating the quality of semen. As a consequence of sexual excesses can get the problem of impotence or infertility.

A sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise, characterized by a decrease in physical activity and restriction of activity, and does not benefit the body, leading to a violation of virtually all body systems: nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, etc. As a result, circulatory disorders appear anoxia bodies in general and in particular the prostate.

Adenoma Of The Prostate: Symptoms And Effects.

What is the prostate adenoma? The prostate is a source of seminal fluid, which are sperm, and is located below the bladder. It covers the urethra, leaving the bladder. With an increase in the prostate (prostate adenoma) is squeezing the urethra and urination difficult. The prostate may grow to such an extent that urination becomes impossible, and then immediately seek medical attention.

Adenoma of the prostate especially prevalent among elderly males and leads to urinary retention and urinary tract infectious diseases. At the first stage of the disease appear to symptoms such as frequent urination, especially at night. In the future, difficult urination, becomes broken, complete emptying of the bladder does not occur; the current urine is very weak. In severe cases, the complete absence of treatment of prostate adenoma possible acute urinary retention or incontinence. According to experts, half of men after the age of 50 years suffer from prostate adenoma, while among men after 70 of the disease be cured 75% of men.

Treatment Of Prostate Adenoma

Treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma should be entrusted to specialists. After the necessary research and studying the history of the disease the doctor will choose and individual treatment regimen, which combines food correction, drug therapies and procedures as necessary.

What Is Prostatitis And Is It One Of The Most Common Conditions That Affects The Prostate Gland?

Prostatitis is one of the most common conditions that affect the prostate gland.
The other common problems are prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hypertrophy)
and prostate cancer.

Prostatitis is the infection of the prostate. The prostate is the small
gland that is doughnut shaped located at the bottom of the bladder.
The prostate sits halfway between the rectum and the base
of the penis.

The prostate circles the urethra. The urethra is the tube that carries
urine from the bladder out through the penis. This gland produces most
of thefluid in semen.

An infection of the prostate can be diagnosed as either acute prostatitis
or chronic prostatitis. Acute prostatitis develops suddenly and presents
the following symptoms:

* Chills and fever
*Strong urge to urinate
*Frequent urination with only small amounts of urine produced.
*Low back or abdominal pain
*Occasionally there is blood in the urine
*Pain and burning when urination occurs and when ejaculating

Chronic prostatitis symptoms are milder than those in acute prostatitis.

The chills and fever that alert the acute prostatitis sufferers that there
is a problem are not symptoms that are seen in individuals with chronic prostatitis.
Both infections can be the result of a urinary tract infection.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) occurs happen less often in men than women. However,
as men age, the prostate becomes more vulnerable to this type of infection.

Men with abnormalities of the urinary tract, such as kidney stones or an enlarged
prostate, are more prone to urinary infection.

An enlarged prostate gland also can slow the flow of urine, thus raising the risk
of infection.

The cause of the UTI is an overgrowth of the E-coli bacteria which is usually present
in the digestive system. If the UTI is left untreated, it can cause permanent damage
to other organs of the body.

Prostate infections can usually be treated on an outpatient basis.

Both chronic and acute prostatitis present with pain in the pelvis or perineum.

Prostate infections respond well to an antibiotic regimen. Antibiotic treatment
is the traditional first line of defense against both types of infection.

If the infection re-occurs,long term antibiotic therapy may be warranted.
The doctor will prescribe an antibiotic after taking a test of the urine and
will then determine the best anti-biotic to prescribe.

Alternative medicine recommendations for treating prostatitis include:

1)Drinking large amounts of water.
2)Using herbs that contain antibiotic and anti-inflammatory
The recommended herbs are:
These herbs are thought to help reduce inflammation and knock out
the infection. In addition, Echinacea and Siberian Ginseng are
immune-system enhancers. These herbs have properties that are
thought to help the bodies natural defense system build resistance.
3) Daily regimen of vitamin and mineral supplements that include
*Vitamins A,C, E,
*Beta-carotene and Selenium.
*60 mg. of Zinc Picolinate if symptoms are present
*30 mg. without symptoms.
4)Cranberry juice may help to prevent infection from spreading to
the bladder from the prostate. Can be taken as a juice, or as chewable tablets.
5) Hot baths help soothe the pain and reduce stress.
6)Eat whole grains, steamed vegetables, fresh fruits, herb teas
and tinctures, such as Saw Palmetto and Siberian Ginseng,
are good for the male reproductive system
7) Use natural diuretics that help flush urine, prevent urine build-up,
and provide support for other preventive methods
When men have painful urinary symptoms, infection is not always present.
there is another problem that is related to stress or anxiety that is called

Prostatodynia (or Prostadynia) is the non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain
syndrome, it is the occurrence of prostatitis symptoms, without inflammation
or bacterial infection.

The best defense for prostatitis is prevention. Men can reduce their chances
for prostatitis by following a few simple guidelines:

*Increase water intake to 8-12 glasses per day. The increased fluids will
help flush the urinary tract.
*Avoid over consumption of alcohol and coffee.
Caffeine causes a strong and frequent urge to urinate.
Remember colas and other beverages contain caffeine.
*Control stress. A high stress level has been shown to contribute to the
onset of prostatodynia.

Prostatitis and Dental Disease

Periodontitis is an extreme form of gum disease that can harm gingival tissues, that can injure or harm bone, and that can loosen teeth and cause them to fall out over time. This condition has already been linked to heart conditions, and now it is being linked to some cases of prostatitis too. Periodontal disease is the name for bacterial infections of the gums in the mouth. Periodontitis, or Pyorrhea, is a disease involving inflammation of the gums, often persisting unnoticed for years or decades in a patient, that results in loss of bone around teeth.

The treatment of periodontal disease begins with the removal of sub-gingival calculus (tartar). This is commonly addressed by the surgical procedures known as root planing and scaling. These procedures debride calculus by mechanically scraping it from tooth surfaces. Dental calculus, commonly known as tartar, consists almost entirely of calcium phosphate salt, the ionic derivative of calcium phosphate (the primary composition of teeth and bone). Clinically, calculus stuck to teeth appears to be hardened to the point requiring mechanical scraping for removal.

Prostatitis is a disease that affects one's prostate gland and that can result in pain during urination, significant groin discomfort, abdominal pain, lower back pain, discomfort in the perineum, and penile and testicular pain as well. Prostatitis is also associated with the onset of a high fever, gastrointestinal difficulties, and chills in some cases too. Prostatitis is difficult to diagnose and treat, and has a wide range of debilitating and troublesome side affects. Unlike prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostatitis often affects the lives of young and middle-aged men.
The general causes cited for the onset of prostatitis include immune system difficulties, disorders of the nervous system, emotional stress, injury to the prostate, and infection. Now, recent research published in the Journal of Periodontology suggests that there is a significant connection between periodontitis and prostatitis.

Studies done at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine and University Hospitals Case Medical Center showed results from a small group that inflammation from periodontal disease and prostate problems may be linked. They discuss their new evidence in the Journal of Periodontology, the official journal of the American Academy of Periodontology. The researchers compared two markers: the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) used to measure inflammation levels in prostate disease, and clinical attachment level (CAL) of the gums and teeth, which can be an indicator for periodontitis. The researchers compared two markers: the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) used to measure inflammation levels in prostate disease, and clinical attachment level (CAL) of the gums and teeth, which can be an indicator for periodontitis.

A PSA elevation of 4.0 ng/ml in the blood can be a sign of inflammation or malignancy. Patients with healthy prostate glands have lower than 4.0ng/ml levels. A CAL number greater than 2.7 mm indicates periodontitis. Like prostatitis, periodontitis also produces high inflammation levels. The testing for periodontitis involved a full examination of the condition of the gums, a check for bleeding of the gums, and for signs of gingival inflammation. The end result of the study found that the men that had both prostatitis and periodontitis had significantly higher PSA levels than those men that either had prostatitis or periodontitis alone. In essence, research has now revealed that when a man has periodontal disease he can worsen a condition like prostatitis and that gum disease contributes to the severity of prostatitis.