Friday, 21 September 2012

An Introduction to Prostate Cancer

Introduction to Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is one of those diseases that have become widely prevalent these days. It’s a form of Cancer that appears in the prostate gland of man’s reproductive system. For those people who don’t have much know-how of body and body parts, it is a minute structure almost the size of a walnut present as one of the most important parts of the reproductive system.


One of the most common methods that are being widely used to test this disease is “PSA blood test”. The test has emerged as one of the most effective and efficient methods to determine presence and signs of prostate cancer in man’s body. Viewing the importance and significance of early diagnosis of this disease it is important to know this deadly disease adequately.

Symptoms are as Follows

  • Slow Urine Stream
  • Delayed state of the urinary system
  • Fragile bone or excessive pains in bone particularly in the pelvic region
  • Appearance of blood particles in the urine or semen
  • Blood particles in the urine or semen

People Who are at Higher Risk

Generally the disease is found in elderly people however, in some cases young people and other strata of society could also get affected. People at higher risk include:
  • Elderly people like those who are of the age of 60 or more
  • Afro-American people are more prone to prostate cancer compared to their other counterparts.
  • People having family history of the disease
  • People who are more alcoholic and used to drink too much alcohol
  • People who used to consume diet that are rich in animal fats
  • Male workers who works at tire plant

Some remedies

Active Surveillance: This remedy is advised and recommended for people with a low risk. Under this test and remedy certain actions like biopsies, rectal exam and PSA blood tests are performed periodically. It helps people find how vulnerable they are to this disease and what steps they need to take on to avoid mounting it to a higher degree.
Prostate Surgery: Surgery is another effective option that is available to men suffering from this deadly disease. The process is meant to remove the gland through an incision in the abdomen. The bladder of the men will then be connected and attached to the urethra to ensure proper urination.
Radiation: Radiation has emerged as one of the most effective remedies for people suffering from this disease. The remedy is designed and engineered to kill off the cancerous cells through rays and radiation. With the growing technologies in the field of medical science this therapy has become very much effective and precised. Some of the common forms of radiation that are being used are proton therapy, brachy therapy and beam radiation therapy.

Sum Up:

No doubt prostate cancer is a deadly disease and people need to take precautionary measures right at the initial stage of the problem. However, if effective measures are taken it can help them a lot in getting rid of this disease.

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