We need our colons. The colon stores matter to be excreted from
the body at our convenience. Without colons we would be like birds,
having to eliminate all the time. But like all cancers, colon cancer is
only representative of what is happening to the whole body. We don't
suddenly 'catch' a cancer and it lodges in our colon. Things have been
deteriorating for quite some time when we finally realize we have
cancer. The whole body must be cured with nutrients, detoxification, and
dietary and lifestyle changes.
Even if a section of the colon has to be removed, because the tumor was growing quickly and pressing on adjacent structures, the body can still be brought to a state of health whereby it can eliminate cancer cells as they are being made daily and prevent the formation of another tumor.
Symptoms of colon cancer in men are numerous. There could be constipation, blood in the stool, abdominal pain and cramping and if a tumor is large enough it may be palpable. Diagnosis can include a digital exam, endoscopy/colonoscopy, and the cancer blood test markers, CEA and/or CA 19-9.
We are encouraged by TV commercials for cancer treatment to put up the good fight and beat Cancer. This gung-ho approach is also fostered in what is called Heroic Medicine and it has been said this Heroic Medicine is responsible for 90% of all health care dollars being spent in the last two weeks of life. Shouldn't we be spending 90% of health care dollars on the time period before we end up in the hospital or feeling forced to undergo chemo and radiation?
I once had a patient with pancreatic cancer who informed me that he'd researched that if he went the conventional route he had less than a 2% chance of living 5 years. We began alternative measures but in two weeks he returned saying he'd made up his mind to follow the conventional chemo and radiation treatments only. I asked, 'why?'. He said his kids wanted him to, that they would feel safer that way. This gives us much to think about.
It is difficult to determine if it is likely that you have colon cancer. The symptoms of chronic constipation mimic those of colon cancer. Whether you are simply constipated or whether you suspect tumor formation, many with these symptoms feel more comfortable combining conventional medicine with holistic approaches in what is referred to as Complimentary or Integrative Medicine.
Often the holistic measures employed to alleviate chronic constipation will initiate the cure of any cancer that may be forming. So why not begin doing the right thing even if you diagnosis is not confirmed? Then, as you are doing the right thing, taking the right nutrients for health and detox, you can pursue a more firm diagnosis.
Regarding treatment there is an important question to ask here: If radiating a tumor is good because it kills cancer cells and reduces the pressure the expanding tumor is applying to adjacent body parts, is it also of concern that radiation mutates genes and causes cancerous cells? And if chemo therapy is designed to kill cancer cells while at the same time it destroys the immune system, will that make it harder to have a cure with a compromised immune system? Both these conventional therapies are aiming at the tumor, but neither is aiming at the 'systemic' aspect of cancer.
Viewing cancer as an ailment that is everywhere in the blood at the same time and seeing tumors as just conglomerations of cancer cells tells you that removing the tumor by surgery, chemo, or radiation, will not stop the body from forming new cancer cells as it does in all of us every day. Our immune system is constantly working on reducing the number of cancer cells on a daily basis. It is only when it can't keep up with the load that the cancer begins to accumulate in what we call tumors.
Combining alternative therapies with conventional methods for the treatment of colon cancer symptoms sets two different approaches in motion - reducing the tumor size with surgery, chemo and/or radiation while at the same time boosting the immune system with nutrient measures to deal with the problem of reducing the daily number of cancer cells produced anyway!
Doctors like myself measure cancer blood markers through lab analysis to keep track on the progression of the cancer. We also measure over 50 blood elements and toxic metals and minerals from hair analysis, combined with saliva, stool and urine tests as well.
What combination of therapies a person chooses is purely their own. The cancer patient can discuss their concerns with all their doctors to achieve the most viable approach. But may I say that without a systemic approach through nutrification and detoxification the cancer is most likely going to show up as tumors again in the future. Be sure one of the approaches you choose is holistic and don't get caught up in statements like, 'we went in and removed all of the tumor, we got it all' for the body is still not able to handle the overload of cancer cells still being produced daily. The systemic aspect of cancer must be treated.
Even if a section of the colon has to be removed, because the tumor was growing quickly and pressing on adjacent structures, the body can still be brought to a state of health whereby it can eliminate cancer cells as they are being made daily and prevent the formation of another tumor.
Symptoms of colon cancer in men are numerous. There could be constipation, blood in the stool, abdominal pain and cramping and if a tumor is large enough it may be palpable. Diagnosis can include a digital exam, endoscopy/colonoscopy, and the cancer blood test markers, CEA and/or CA 19-9.
We are encouraged by TV commercials for cancer treatment to put up the good fight and beat Cancer. This gung-ho approach is also fostered in what is called Heroic Medicine and it has been said this Heroic Medicine is responsible for 90% of all health care dollars being spent in the last two weeks of life. Shouldn't we be spending 90% of health care dollars on the time period before we end up in the hospital or feeling forced to undergo chemo and radiation?
I once had a patient with pancreatic cancer who informed me that he'd researched that if he went the conventional route he had less than a 2% chance of living 5 years. We began alternative measures but in two weeks he returned saying he'd made up his mind to follow the conventional chemo and radiation treatments only. I asked, 'why?'. He said his kids wanted him to, that they would feel safer that way. This gives us much to think about.
It is difficult to determine if it is likely that you have colon cancer. The symptoms of chronic constipation mimic those of colon cancer. Whether you are simply constipated or whether you suspect tumor formation, many with these symptoms feel more comfortable combining conventional medicine with holistic approaches in what is referred to as Complimentary or Integrative Medicine.
Often the holistic measures employed to alleviate chronic constipation will initiate the cure of any cancer that may be forming. So why not begin doing the right thing even if you diagnosis is not confirmed? Then, as you are doing the right thing, taking the right nutrients for health and detox, you can pursue a more firm diagnosis.
Regarding treatment there is an important question to ask here: If radiating a tumor is good because it kills cancer cells and reduces the pressure the expanding tumor is applying to adjacent body parts, is it also of concern that radiation mutates genes and causes cancerous cells? And if chemo therapy is designed to kill cancer cells while at the same time it destroys the immune system, will that make it harder to have a cure with a compromised immune system? Both these conventional therapies are aiming at the tumor, but neither is aiming at the 'systemic' aspect of cancer.
Viewing cancer as an ailment that is everywhere in the blood at the same time and seeing tumors as just conglomerations of cancer cells tells you that removing the tumor by surgery, chemo, or radiation, will not stop the body from forming new cancer cells as it does in all of us every day. Our immune system is constantly working on reducing the number of cancer cells on a daily basis. It is only when it can't keep up with the load that the cancer begins to accumulate in what we call tumors.
Combining alternative therapies with conventional methods for the treatment of colon cancer symptoms sets two different approaches in motion - reducing the tumor size with surgery, chemo and/or radiation while at the same time boosting the immune system with nutrient measures to deal with the problem of reducing the daily number of cancer cells produced anyway!
Doctors like myself measure cancer blood markers through lab analysis to keep track on the progression of the cancer. We also measure over 50 blood elements and toxic metals and minerals from hair analysis, combined with saliva, stool and urine tests as well.
What combination of therapies a person chooses is purely their own. The cancer patient can discuss their concerns with all their doctors to achieve the most viable approach. But may I say that without a systemic approach through nutrification and detoxification the cancer is most likely going to show up as tumors again in the future. Be sure one of the approaches you choose is holistic and don't get caught up in statements like, 'we went in and removed all of the tumor, we got it all' for the body is still not able to handle the overload of cancer cells still being produced daily. The systemic aspect of cancer must be treated.
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