Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Does Food Cause Gynecomastia?

Man boobs. That scourge of modern men. Men who are in their prime are increasingly suffering from this complaint. While not medically dangerous, unless coupled with obesity, it is nonetheless worrying and embarrassing for men who have them.

Most men with them try a variety of strategies to get rid of their man boobs, but often overlook food as a means of removing them. Yes, men with man boobs often put themselves on fad diets, but fad diets aren't effective at removing these man breasts. Actually, fad diets are liable to make the problem worse, as diets make you fat, and many men with breasts also have a weight problem.

Before I discuss the role food has to play in both the cause and solution, I must highlight the different types of man boobs. The types can be broken down into gynecomastia and pseudo-gynecomastia.

Simply put, gynecomastia is a hormonal condition, where a man's testosterone to estrogen balance becomes out of sync; whereas pseudo-gynecomastia is seen in men who are either overweight or obese. Of these, pseudo-gynecomastia is the most common.

Of the two different types of man boobs, the relationship between food and pseudo-gynecomastia is most clear. In this case, it the old culprits found in processed foods that have caused a man to put on weight and get breasts. Yes, it's the trans fat, sugar and high fructose corn syrup found in processed foods that's bought about a man's pseudo-gynecomastia.

So, the solution is crystal clear. Replace processed foods with a healthy diet. One that's full of lean protein, whole grains, lots of veggies, i.e. the one recommended by most health experts.

The relationship between food and gynecomastia is less obvious. There are experts that advise that men avoid foods high in phytoestrogens. Phytoestrogens are found in a range of foods. The most common is soy, but it is also found in eggs, carrots, cucumbers and potatoes.

These same experts advise men to include more foods that are estrogen inhibiting. You can find this in a range of foods including broccoli, pineapples, cabbage, citrus fruits, and onions.

This is a somewhat controversial topic. The research is unclear, but it is probably worthwhile for a man with man boobs to at least consider this as a possible source of his man breasts.

Either way, men who have gynecomastia can also benefit from eating the same healthy diet that's recommended to men with pseudo-gynecomastia. In part, because most processed foods are packed with a range of chemicals that could be upsetting a man's hormonal balance. And, such foods are packed in plastic that could be leaching Bisphenol A (BPA), a known hormone altering chemical.

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