Thursday, 27 September 2012

Gynecomastia and Your Psyche

Sometimes people may assume that women care the most about their outer appearance. The reality is that many men are unhappy with their outward appearance. One condition that men suffer from and often likely keep silent about it is Gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a condition where men have enlarged breasts that can appear feminine.

Gynecomastia might be something that men try to hide by wearing loose-fitting tops or not taking off their shirt in public. You can likely imagine how much this can limit the life of a man. It might keep him from socializing with other men and playing sports for fear the problem will be noticed in the locker room. It could make a man not look as attractive as he could because of the loose clothing. It could even keep him from getting in close relationships with women for fear that they will not like this appearance if they knew about his problem. All of these issues will limit a man and likely affect him psychologically.

If you are a man that is struggling with this problem, it is important to realize that you do not need to be ashamed of your problem. It is a trait that you were born with, and there is nothing that you or anyone else did to make yourself this way. It is important for you to consider what this problem is doing to you on the inside as well as to your social life. And it is important to then look at these results of your problem and consider remedying your problem.

Perhaps you have never even considered having surgery for a breast reduction. Maybe the thought of it is embarrassing because you are a man, but imagine how much have this surgery would free you to be who you truly are.

If you choose to have the surgery, you will need to find a surgeon that will help you with expectations before having the surgery. Looking at before and after pictures might be helpful for you to see what a breast reduction could do for your Gynecomastia. It is also important to find a doctor that will follow-up with you after surgery to make sure that you have the right mind set about the results you have.

Hopefully you will find that having surgery for breast reduction will open up your world in ways you have never known before. All of that hiding can be done, and you will finally be able to be yourself. Dating, going to a gym or playing sports will now be an option for you.

If you are a  man struggling with this issue, and you are afraid to mention it to your parents, do not keep the issue inside. They may have noticed the problem, but perhaps they have no idea that it bothers you. Make sure you are open with them about this issue so that they can perhaps even help you have the problem remedied.

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