Friday, 21 September 2012

3 Reasons Why Male Smokers Are More Likely to Suffer From an Early Mental Decline

Normally, male smokers who recently gave up smoking have a higher decline in their executive function or their capability to do more composite thinking skills compared to male non-smokers.

However, there is a significant difference for former smokers who stopped smoking 10 years earlier. Male smokers who gave up smoking a decade earlier showed that the effects of smoking on their memory and mental skills subside.

It was not a surprise that the decline on mental health was associated with smoking. Tobacco smoke is among the causes that trigger dementia and it likewise increases the smokers' chance of suffering from lung and heart diseases, two of the health issues that worsen memory difficulties.
Although further studies are required to settle the precise reasons for the sex difference and the effects of smoking on smokers' health, experts suggest that factors like the lifestyle of smokers may have brought the difference. Below are the 3 reasons why men are more likely to suffer from mental decline than women:

1. Men smoke more cigarettes than women. According to statistics, on an average, men has a daily consumption of 10 - 15 sticks of cigarettes compared to 9 - 13 sticks of their female counterparts. There are lots of factors why men consume more cigarettes than women. Men are more likely to smoke during breaks and are more inclined in social smoking. Also, male smokers start smoking at an earlier age than women and puff more heavily. The more nicotine a smoker inhales, the more it damages his system. To make the situation worst, the effects of nicotine and other deadly compounds can last for long period of time or ever a lifetime even after quitting smoking.

2. Men and women have different views about smoking. Men and women have different reasons why they smoke. Women smoke because of stress and emotional issues. Women smoke when they are emotionally down or working on paper works. Men tend to have more passive reasons why they smoke. Smoking is more of a routine for men; they smoke after eating or while having a cup of hot coffee in the morning. Likewise, women are more likely to enjoy the sight of smoking rather than the addiction they have. For instance, women will normally smoke with her friends while enjoying a good conversation, compared to men who will smoke between breaks even if they are alone or whenever they feel smoking.

3. Men drink more alcohol than women. Alcohol enhances the effects of nicotine to your body. This is the reason why people who drink tend to smoke more sticks of cigarettes, and the more they get addicted to it. Likewise alcohol is a known depressant, which may leave your body defenseless against the negative effects of cigarette smoke. This means that the harmful effects of smoking become more potent when you drink alcohol.

However, amidst all these, smoking still remains the most preventable cause of death. This means you can prevent all these harmful effects of smoking. The key is kicking the habit off your life. The earlier you quit, the greater chances you have to recover from all the negative effects of smoking including the negative effects of smoking to your memory and overall mental health.

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