Thursday, 20 September 2012

How Alcohol And Smoking Damage Male Sexuality

We all know that smoking and alcohol abuse is dangerous for our health and can even kill us. However do you know that over indulging in these two substances can also be very detrimental to male sexuality because these two vices can cause erectile dysfunction and make your penis smaller amongst other male sexual health issues.

I bet that you don't know many smokers and drinkers have low sperm count and lousy quality semen, do you? Smoking and drinking are some of the reasons behind male infertility. Furthermore, smoking also subdues your erections because it restricts blood flow to the penis which is vital for a healthy erection. On top of that, it damages the penis's valve mechanism that stores blood in the erectile tissues. So when this mechanism is damaged, penile blood flow is affected resulting in erectile dysfunction problems.

Although regular exercise, good eating habits can and do enhance male sexuality by improving healthy sex drive, quantitative and qualitative semen production, firmer erections and better orgasms, they cannot do much for men who smoke and drink regularly. However, smokers need not despair too early because research has also shown that by just abstaining from smoking for as little as 24 hours, many men can see improvements in their erection quality.
For some funny reasons, most men would like to have a bigger penis. For some reasons, many men actually think that their manhood are below average in both girth and length although time and again experts have said that it is not true in most of the cases. So now, if smoking can cause your penis to shrink in size, could this be good enough a reason for you to quit smoking?

This finding is a result from a research conducted at Boston University School of Medicine, USA. As many as two hundred men took part in the research and the researchers found that smokers do indeed have smaller penis sizes.

In another study done by the University of California, USA, researchers confirmed that smoker's penis sizes are up to an inch smaller than, yes, non-smokers. Omigosh, isn't that an alarming discovery?

What about alcohol? How does alcohol have a negative impact on a man's sex life? Well, a research done by the Department of Psychiatry at the University Medical School of Lubeck, Germany conclusively showed that alcoholics experience erectile dysfunction problems much more often than non regular drinkers. Ouch!

Many people wrongly think that drinking alcohol causes a pleasant state of mind and so can have a good influence on a man's sex drive. Do you know something? This is not true! The fact remains that alcohol is a poison and a suppressant which have extremely negative effects on male sexuality as it reduces the ability to have hard erections and keeping the penis erect, thus is also an element that triggers erectile dysfunction.

So if you are a smoker and or a drinker who is suffering from the negative effects of male sexuality, now you know what are the causes and what to do to make your sex life better.

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