Wednesday, 19 September 2012

How To Treat Cystitis In Men

Cystitis is characterized by symptoms of urgent need to empty the bladder frequently. Urination is quite painful and accompanied by an unpleasant odor. Sometimes, the urine may look cloudy and have traces of blood. This infection occurs in men and women and is easily treatable. During the initial stages of the infection, a few effective home remedies can help cure the infection. If the infection does not clear up even after 4-7 days, doctor consultation becomes necessary. Some men experience this condition two to three times in a year. This could be a sign of underlying conditions like the problems of prostate gland.

During the mild stage of cystitis some home remedies are helpful in treating the condition in men and women. Use of over the counter painkillers like paracetamol or ibuprofen can reduce the discomfort and pain. But, take enough care while using any medicines over the counter. Always read the label for any allergies or side effects. Reduce the infection by drinking plenty of water. Water in excess is known to flush out the bacteria and thus help in the treatment of this infection. Avoid consuming alcohol while suffering from bladder infection. Sex might aggravate the condition of bladder infection, so it is best avoided until the infection subsides. Cranberry juice is known to prevent the outbreaks.

If the infection does not reduce for 4-7 days, consult a physician. Your physician might prescribe a course of antibiotics to kill the bacteria. It is essential that you complete the whole course; otherwise, the bacteria are bound to develop resistance to the antibiotic. If there is a recurring bout of infection, the doctor may prescribe a stand-by antibiotic. If you do not see any change in symptoms after a day or two or taking antibiotics, consult your physician and get their advice.

Cystitis is an easily treatable condition in men. Many try the self-help remedies at home for mild infections. However, prevention is the best way of staying away from the infection. Drink a lot of water every day and limit the intake of caffeine and alcohol. Following hygienic habits will reduce the occurrence of infection. Wearing natural fabrics like cotton and linen keep you comfortable and give your skin some breathing space. It is good to empty your bladder, whenever you feel the need for urination. This way the bacterial build up will reduce. Washing the genital area after intercourse will help to flush the bacteria away. Drinking cranberry concentrate or juice can help in the prevention of this bacterial infection.

If you suffer from this infection regularly, your physician might prescribe a low dose of antibiotic and advise you to take them according to the need. It is always recommended to consult a urologist for treating severe conditions of this infection. Take enough care in hygiene and diet for a healthy body and to develop higher resistance to infection.

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